Rating Group: ConservAmerica

2005 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

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results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Sherwood Boehlert 108
Mike Fitzpatrick 100
Jim Saxton 100
Mike Castle 96
Frank LoBiondo 96
Nancy Johnson 92
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith Republican 92
Lincoln Chafee 87
Wayne Gilchrest 87
Tim Johnson 87
James Leach 87
James Ramstad 87
Christopher Shays 87
NH State Senate - 3 Jeb Bradley Republican 83
Mark Kirk 75
Thomas Davis III 71
Vern Ehlers 71
Jim Gerlach 71
Olympia Snowe 70
Roscoe Bartlett 67
Charlie Bass 67
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 67
John McCain III 63
Rodney Frelinghuysen 62
Todd Platts 62
Robert Ruhl Simmons 62
Bob Inglis, Sr. 58
John Schwarz 54
W. Curtis Weldon 54
Judy Biggert 50
Frank Wolf 50
Norm Coleman 47
OH Governor Mike DeWine Republican 47
Michael Ferguson 46
Ray LaHood 46
Dave Reichert 46
Tom Petri 42
Gordon Smith 40
John Sununu 37
James Walsh 37
Mark Foley 33
Judd Gregg 33
Walter Jones, Jr. 29
Sue Kelly 29
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 29
Dick Lugar 27
Virgil Goode, Jr. 25
Mark Green 25
Ed Royce 25
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 25
John Sweeney 25
Zach Wamp 25
Steve Chabot 21
Mark Kennedy 21
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham Republican 20
Arlen Specter 20
Michael Bilirakis 17
Mary Bono Mack 17
Philip English 17
Tom Feeney 17
Jeff Flake 17
Vito Fossella, Jr. 17
Scott Garrett 17
Gilbert Gutknecht 17
Katherine Harris 17
Pete King 17
James Kolbe 17
Steve LaTourette 17
Thaddeus McCotter 17
Ron Paul 17
Thomas Reynolds 17
Paul Ryan 17
Cliff Stearns 17
Fred Upton 17
John Warner 17
Lamar Alexander 13
Richard Burr 13
James DeMint 13
John Ensign 13
Jon Kyl 13
Melquiades Martinez 13
Joel Hefley 12
Greg Walden 12
Bill Young 12
Wayne Allard 10
Craig Thomas 10
J. Gresham Barrett 8
Roy Blunt 8
Ginny Brown-Waite 8
Dave Camp 8
Eric Cantor 8
WV U.S. Senate - Jr Shelley Capito Republican 8
Chris Chocola 8
Ander Crenshaw 8
Geoff Davis 8
Jo Ann Davis 8
Thomas DeLay 8
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 8
FL U.S. House - 26 Mario Diaz-Balart Republican 8
David Dreier 8
State Office Name Party Rating
Sherwood Boehlert 108
Mike Fitzpatrick 100
Jim Saxton 100
Mike Castle 96
Frank LoBiondo 96
Nancy Johnson 92
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith R 92
Lincoln Chafee 87
Wayne Gilchrest 87
Tim Johnson 87
James Leach 87
James Ramstad 87
Christopher Shays 87
NH State Senate - 3 Jeb Bradley R 83
Mark Kirk 75
Thomas Davis III 71
Vern Ehlers 71
Jim Gerlach 71
Olympia Snowe 70
Roscoe Bartlett 67
Charlie Bass 67
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 67
John McCain III 63
Rodney Frelinghuysen 62
Todd Platts 62
Robert Ruhl Simmons 62
Bob Inglis, Sr. 58
John Schwarz 54
W. Curtis Weldon 54
Judy Biggert 50
Frank Wolf 50
Norm Coleman 47
OH Governor Mike DeWine R 47
Michael Ferguson 46
Ray LaHood 46
Dave Reichert 46
Tom Petri 42
Gordon Smith 40
John Sununu 37
James Walsh 37
Mark Foley 33
Judd Gregg 33
Walter Jones, Jr. 29
Sue Kelly 29
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 29
Dick Lugar 27
Virgil Goode, Jr. 25
Mark Green 25
Ed Royce 25
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 25
John Sweeney 25
Zach Wamp 25
Steve Chabot 21
Mark Kennedy 21
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham R 20
Arlen Specter 20
Michael Bilirakis 17
Mary Bono Mack 17
Philip English 17
Tom Feeney 17
Jeff Flake 17
Vito Fossella, Jr. 17
Scott Garrett 17
Gilbert Gutknecht 17
Katherine Harris 17
Pete King 17
James Kolbe 17
Steve LaTourette 17
Thaddeus McCotter 17
Ron Paul 17
Thomas Reynolds 17
Paul Ryan 17
Cliff Stearns 17
Fred Upton 17
John Warner 17
Lamar Alexander 13
Richard Burr 13
James DeMint 13
John Ensign 13
Jon Kyl 13
Melquiades Martinez 13
Joel Hefley 12
Greg Walden 12
Bill Young 12
Wayne Allard 10
Craig Thomas 10
J. Gresham Barrett 8
Roy Blunt 8
Ginny Brown-Waite 8
Dave Camp 8
Eric Cantor 8
WV U.S. Senate - Jr Shelley Capito R 8
Chris Chocola 8
Ander Crenshaw 8
Geoff Davis 8
Jo Ann Davis 8
Thomas DeLay 8
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 8
FL U.S. House - 26 Mario Diaz-Balart R 8
David Dreier 8
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