Rating Group: Business-Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC)

1996 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

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results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Bill Archer 100%
Richard Armey 100%
John Ashcroft 100%
Spencer Bachus 100%
Richard Hugh Baker 100%
William Baker 100%
Bob Barr, Jr. 100%
Bill Barrett 100%
Roscoe Bartlett 100%
Michael Bilirakis 100%
Thomas Bliley, Jr. 100%
John Boehner 100%
Henry Bonilla 100%
Sonny Bono 100%
Hank Brown 100%
Sam Brownback 100%
Ed Bryant 100%
Jim Bunning 100%
Conrad Burns 100%
Richard Burr 100%
Dan Burton 100%
Steve Buyer 100%
Herbert Callahan 100%
CA U.S. House - 41 Ken Calvert Republican 100%
Dave Camp 100%
Saxby Chambliss 100%
Dick Chrysler 100%
Thad Cochran 100%
Larry Combest 100%
Paul Coverdell 100%
Christopher Cox 100%
Larry Craig 100%
Philip Crane 100%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo Republican 100%
Frank Arnold Cremeans 100%
Barbara Cubin 100%
Randall Cunningham 100%
Thomas DeLay 100%
Jay Dickey 100%
Robert Dole 100%
John Doolittle 100%
Robert Dornan 100%
David Dreier 100%
Jennifer Dunn 100%
Bob Ehrlich, Jr. 100%
Bill Emerson 100%
Terry Everett 100%
Thomas Ewing 100%
Duncan McLauchlin Faircloth 100%
Mark Foley 100%
Tillie Fowler 100%
William Frist 100%
Elton Gallegly 100%
John Ganske 100%
George Gekas 100%
Newt Gingrich 100%
Bob Goodlatte 100%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham Republican 100%
William Phillip Gramm 100%
Rodney Grams 100%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley Republican 100%
James Hansen 100%
J. Dennis Hastert 100%
Doc Hastings 100%
James Hayes 100%
David Lee Hobson 100%
Duncan Hunter 100%
Y. Tim Hutchinson 100%
Kay Hutchison 100%
Henry Hyde 100%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 100%
Jim Inhofe 100%
Sam Johnson 100%
John Kasich 100%
Jay Kim 100%
James Kolbe 100%
Jon Kyl 100%
Tom Latham 100%
Greg Laughlin 100%
Ron Lewis 100%
Jim Lightfoot 100%
John Linder 100%
Robert Livingston 100%
Trent Lott, Sr. 100%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas Republican 100%
Don Manzullo 100%
Bill McCollum 100%
James McCrery III 100%
Buck McKeon 100%
John Mica 100%
Dan Miller 100%
Susan Molinari 100%
Carlos Moorhead 100%
IN Council Member - At-Large John Myers Republican 100%
Don Nickles 100%
Charles Norwood, Jr. 100%
James Nussle 100%
Ronald Packard 100%
Mike Parker 100%
William Paxon 100%
State Office Name Party Rating
Bill Archer 100%
Richard Armey 100%
John Ashcroft 100%
Spencer Bachus 100%
Richard Hugh Baker 100%
William Baker 100%
Bob Barr, Jr. 100%
Bill Barrett 100%
Roscoe Bartlett 100%
Michael Bilirakis 100%
Thomas Bliley, Jr. 100%
John Boehner 100%
Henry Bonilla 100%
Sonny Bono 100%
Hank Brown 100%
Sam Brownback 100%
Ed Bryant 100%
Jim Bunning 100%
Conrad Burns 100%
Richard Burr 100%
Dan Burton 100%
Steve Buyer 100%
Herbert Callahan 100%
CA U.S. House - 41 Ken Calvert R 100%
Dave Camp 100%
Saxby Chambliss 100%
Dick Chrysler 100%
Thad Cochran 100%
Larry Combest 100%
Paul Coverdell 100%
Christopher Cox 100%
Larry Craig 100%
Philip Crane 100%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo R 100%
Frank Arnold Cremeans 100%
Barbara Cubin 100%
Randall Cunningham 100%
Thomas DeLay 100%
Jay Dickey 100%
Robert Dole 100%
John Doolittle 100%
Robert Dornan 100%
David Dreier 100%
Jennifer Dunn 100%
Bob Ehrlich, Jr. 100%
Bill Emerson 100%
Terry Everett 100%
Thomas Ewing 100%
Duncan McLauchlin Faircloth 100%
Mark Foley 100%
Tillie Fowler 100%
William Frist 100%
Elton Gallegly 100%
John Ganske 100%
George Gekas 100%
Newt Gingrich 100%
Bob Goodlatte 100%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham R 100%
William Phillip Gramm 100%
Rodney Grams 100%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley R 100%
James Hansen 100%
J. Dennis Hastert 100%
Doc Hastings 100%
James Hayes 100%
David Lee Hobson 100%
Duncan Hunter 100%
Y. Tim Hutchinson 100%
Kay Hutchison 100%
Henry Hyde 100%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 100%
Jim Inhofe 100%
Sam Johnson 100%
John Kasich 100%
Jay Kim 100%
James Kolbe 100%
Jon Kyl 100%
Tom Latham 100%
Greg Laughlin 100%
Ron Lewis 100%
Jim Lightfoot 100%
John Linder 100%
Robert Livingston 100%
Trent Lott, Sr. 100%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas R 100%
Don Manzullo 100%
Bill McCollum 100%
James McCrery III 100%
Buck McKeon 100%
John Mica 100%
Dan Miller 100%
Susan Molinari 100%
Carlos Moorhead 100%
IN Council Member - At-Large John Myers R 100%
Don Nickles 100%
Charles Norwood, Jr. 100%
James Nussle 100%
Ronald Packard 100%
Mike Parker 100%
William Paxon 100%
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