Palmer Supports Stopping Flawed Auto Loan Regulation that Hurts Consumers


Date: Nov. 18, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL), supported H.R. 1737, Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act. This bill would revoke the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) 2013 auto lending guidance bulletin, which has hampered the availability of indirect auto loans (loans facilitated by car dealers), particularly to the most vulnerable. Using a flawed model that bases decisions on what loans are authorized using nothing more than last names and zip codes, CFPB's enforcement has led to rising costs for consumers. The bill was supported by a wide, bipartisan majority.

"The CFPB is an agency with very little accountability, to Congress or even the President," Palmer said. "Because of this, it should come as no great surprise that its power is being abused. Congress should take action to stop these kinds of damaging regulations that hurt the consumers."

Because the CFPB lacks accountability and is prone to abuse its authority, Congressman Palmer previously co-sponsored a bill to repeal the CFPB entirely.
