Kicking Off the 115th Congress


Dear Friend,

The 115th Congress is off to a fast start, and I'm hopeful we can deliver on our promises to limit the size and scope of government.

Our first week back we passed the REINS Act to restore legislative authority over regulations to Congress. The REINS Act would require regulations which would have an economic impact over $100 million to be approved by Congress. I was an original cosponsor of this bill because I believe we can help protect the American people and American businesses by bringing major regulations under congressional oversight. The House also passed H.R. 21, the Midnight Rules Relief Act. "Midnight Rules" are costly, politically-driven regulations that outgoing presidential administrations frequently impose during their last 60 days in office. H.R. 21 solves the problem of midnight rule making by amending the Congressional Review Act to allow Congress to pass a resolution of disapproval that would overturn last minute regulations.

The House has also begun the process of dismantling Obamacare. Over the past 6 years, we have been forced to deal with this unaffordable mandate misnamed the Affordable Care Act. Too many people lost insurance and doctors they liked. Healthcare premiums skyrocketed, deductibles soared, and healthcare options became limited. Now we have an opportunity to provide real healthcare solutions that put the people back in charge of their healthcare decisions.

As a proud supporter of the Pro-Life movement, I was thoroughly encouraged when the House passed H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2017. This pro-life legislation would permanently ban taxpayer funded abortions and is an important step towards protecting the lives of the unborn.

Every year I have the honor and privilege of nominating outstanding students from the Sixth District of Alabama for an appointment to our nation's service academies. Service academy recruiters often compliment Alabama's Sixth District for the level of preparedness and exceptional achievements of students from our area. This year I am pleased to announce that 27 impressive students from the Sixth District have received nominations to attend U.S. Service Academies. For the full list of nominations, click here.

You may have heard Senator Jeff Sessions was appointed to be the next United States Attorney General. I have always believed that Senator Jeff Sessions would make an excellent United States Attorney General. Under Senator Sessions' leadership, the Department of Justice will uphold and enforce the laws and the Constitution. You can read more about my support of Senator Sessions here.

Since coming to Congress, I have stayed steadfast in my resolve to be a principled conservative. I am humbled to announce that I have two new platforms to promote conservative policies and legislation. I have been named the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. This subcommittee's jurisdiction includes oversight of the relationship between the federal and state governments and international organizations as well as federal regulations and unfunded federal mandates. Working with my colleagues on the subcommittee, I look forward to prioritizing limited government and reining in burdensome regulations. I was also selected as a member of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) Steering Committee. The Steering Committee advises the RSC Chairman on policy priorities and I look forward to working closely with Chairman Mark Walker (R-NC) to advance conservative and forward-thinking legislation that will get our country back on the right track.

Thanks for reading,
Gary Palmer
