Letter to Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of Treasury, Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Grant Minnesota's Reinsurance Waiver


Dear Secretary Mnuchin and Secretary Price,

We write to request that the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services grant Minnesota's application for a Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver as soon as possible.

Earlier this year, the Minnesota Legislature voted to establish a state-based reinsurance program, the Minnesota Premium Security Program (MPSP). The Governor and both Democratic and Republican leaders strongly support this effort to address premium costs and access to affordable healthcare in our state. On July 31, 2017, the Minnesota Department of Commerce released two sets of proposed individual health insurance rates: one set that assumes federal approval of the Minnesota reinsurance program and one that does not. These proposed rates show that federal approval of Minnesota's waiver application would have a significant impact on cost. By contrast, without federal approval, rates for many individual market plans could increase substantially.

This matter is urgent because the Minnesota Department of Commerce must imminently finalize approval of the individual market rates. Accordingly, on behalf of our constituents, we urge you to complete your consideration of Minnesota's waiver application as soon as possible.

