Letter to the Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Immigration Assault On California


Today, Congressman Lou Correa with Senators Harris and Feinstein, and Rep. Lofgren led a California Democrat Delegation letter to President Trump denouncing his continued assault on California and immigrant communities. Congressman Correa released the following statement:

"President Trump and Attorney General Sessions have shown a complete lack of respect for California. In California, we have passed sanctuary laws to ensure everyone, regardless of status, feels safe to report crimes and work with our local law enforcement. These laws ensure officers use their limited resource against violent criminals, not undocumented families.

ICE's indiscriminate and aggressive raids throughout California have jeopardized the delicate relationships build by officers in the communities they protect. When immigrants are unable or unwilling to report crimes, we are all at risk.

California is the fifth largest economy in the world and growing. President Trump and AG Sessions should let us continue to grow and create jobs for hard-working people. Their aggressive actions against California helps no one."
