Udall, Senate Democrats Introduce the Homeland Security Improvement Act


Today, U.S. Senator Tom Udall (D-N.M.), along with U.S. Senators Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) introduced the Homeland Security Improvement Act to address some of the nation's immigration challenges at the southwest border and improve Department of Homeland Security (DHS) engagement with border communities. The bill establishes an ombudsman for border and immigration enforcement related concerns within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to better ensure accountability, transparency, and oversight. The corresponding House bill sponsored by U.S. Representative Veronica Escobar (D-TX.), H.R. 2203, passed in a 230-194 vote in September 2019.

Currently, DHS develops its own rules and policies for the conduct of operations along the border without meaningful input from stakeholders, particularly border communities -- creating increasing tension between the agency and the public. The Homeland Security Improvement Act significantly improves DHS operations by mandating community input on enforcement policies and programs and improves transparency by requiring robust reporting on actions and operations.

"DHS performs important missions in border security and facilitating border trade, but right now, DHS enforcement practices lack transparency and the department is failing to engage with the communities where the agency's presence is greatest. Public complaints and requests sometimes sit for months on DHS desks and often go completely ignored. DHS should be accountable to the American people who deserve to know and have input on the way their taxpayer dollars are used and the way their government engages with the public. The creation of an ombudsman role will streamline DHS operations for the benefit of our border communities--including those in New Mexico--and ultimately benefit DHS and its employees as well," said Udall."With the Homeland Security Improvement Act, we will empower our border communities in New Mexico, and other border states, to more efficiently and safely handle the immigration needs that are at their doorsteps."

"Since the beginning of this administration, the Department of Homeland Security has been a party to human rights abuses against immigrant children, multiple deaths in U.S. custody, abhorrent conditions in detention centers, and so much more. DHS's actions have shocked the American people and severely damaged our nation's standing as a safe haven for those fleeing violence and oppression," said Harris. "We must prevent this in the future. We must require training, oversight, and accountability within DHS to ensure the department respects the basic dignity of every person."

"The atrocities being committed at our southern border shock the conscience," said Wyden. "A new system is desperately needed to shed a light on the Department of Homeland Security's cruel and inhumane practices so that swift action can be taken to right the Trump administration's many wrongs."

"Under the Trump Administration, the Department of Homeland Security's mandate seems to be the abuse of immigrants' civil and human rights, not the safety of the American people. I've witnessed some of this agency's most egregious failures firsthand -- looking into the eyes of a father and his daughter held at a CBP facility in El Paso and hearing the pleas of families in Connecticut who are losing a loved one to a cruel, senseless deportation. This agency needs dramatic reform and much more accountability and oversight," said Blumenthal.

"The Trump administration's inhumane and reckless immigration and border policies have endangered the lives of immigrants and instilled fear in New Mexico's border communities," said Heinrich. "We must hold the Department of Homeland Security accountable for adhering to our laws and to American values. Establishing an ombudsman within the Department of Homeland Security is a critical step towards increasing transparency and accountability for ICE and CBP."

"At every turn, the Trump administration has chosen policies that demonize immigrant communities--proving time and time again that it cares more about creating a climate of fear than treating human beings with fairness and respect," said Merkley. "That's why it couldn't be more important for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection to treat human and civil rights violations with the seriousness they deserve. This legislation works to promote that vision by requiring transparency and oversight over ICE and CBP investigations and officer training. This is essential to restoring a philosophy and practice of treating refugees and immigrants with respect and decency."

"The Homeland Security Improvement Act is a critical piece of legislation that will bring us closer to ensuring DHS has the accountability and oversight the agency so desperately needs while protecting our agents, officers and border communities, and affirming our nation's commitment to helping the most vulnerable among us," said Escobar. "I look forward to working with Senator Udall and the Senate to advance this legislation and leading in our nation's fight to restore human dignity."
