Letter to Mike Pompeo, Department of State Secretary - Costa Calls on Secretary Pompeo for Enhanced Transatlantic Cooperation


Dear Secretary Pompeo:

This month marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, and we can think of no better time to reflect on our nation's relationship with our allies and friends around the world. As we now face the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, it is clear that our relationship with the European Union, built in the aftermath of that terrible conflict, has become more critical than ever before. Protecting the health of Americans requires working with our allies around the globe to ensure that prevention, medication, and an eventual vaccine reach all who need them. This virus knows no borders and our response must not heed national boundaries.

In addition, sustained economic recovery from this crisis will require a coordinated international effort. The United States and the European Union share a common history and democratic values that make us ideal partners in this effort. We must work with our friends around the world to ensure that the world's recovery is swift, equitable, and built on a strong foundation that will preserve the peace and democratic progress the world has seen since the end of World War II. Otherwise we risk facing a post-crisis world dominated by our adversaries rather than influenced by our friends and values.

It is critical that the State Department and other agencies work as closely as possible with the European Union and our European allies to coordinate an effective health response and international economic recovery plan as we confront this crisis. By working and cooperating with the European Union, we can ensure that the world emerges from this crisis and establishes an international terrain where recovery can take place.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
