After Tireless Advocacy, Schumer Secures $23.8 Billion in Direct Aid for New York's State & Local Governments in First Major Victory as Majority Leader, Schumer Delivers Billions for NY's Taxpayers and Municipalities; Bill Delivers $35 Billion to NYS Agencies, Including $12.6 Billion to NYS for Fiscal Relief & Senator Secures Additional $10.8 Billion Direct to Localities

Press Release

State & Local Aid Has Been Top Schumer Priority Since Beginning Of Pandemic; Schumer Delivers Direct Federal Assistance To Every Community Of Every Size, Keeping Local Economies Afloat, Frontline Workers on the Job & Main Streets Alive

State & Local Fiscal Relief Funds Provides a Whopping $12.56B To NYS, $6.14B To Metro Cities, $3.9B For Counties, $825M For Small Cities, Towns, And Villages, & $358M For NYS Broadband Program

Schumer To NY Municipalities and Taxpayers: Help Is On The Way!

Delivering on his promise of robust relief for New York State and localities, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer declared that "help is on the way" and detailed the contents of the $23.8 billion in state and local fiscal aid, including $12.56 billion for New York State's government and more than $10.8 billion for counties, cities, towns, and villages, he secured for New York in the American Rescue Plan he led to passage in the Senate. Upon President Biden's signature, the American Rescue Plan will provide a vital and substantial injection of funding for cash-strapped localities that can be used to pay for essential services, retain vital frontline workers, and offset lost revenues and increased costs from the COVID-19 emergency.

Funds can also be used for relief to small businesses, hard-hit industries, and infrastructure investments to help rebuild local economies. Schumer says the state and local funding will keep local economies afloat and essential services running for communities, including the roll out of vaccines. It is estimated that New York State's agencies and authorities will receive over $30 billion from the American Rescue Plan, on top of the funds from the state and local fiscal relief fund.

"After fighting this pandemic on the frontlines, New York's counties and municipalities were loud and clear: they needed help and they needed it now to keep frontline workers on the job and prevent brutal service cuts. And today, to all towns, villages, cities, and counties throughout New York I say: help is on the way," said Senator Schumer. "As Majority Leader, I was proud to make state and local funding my top priority as municipalities throughout New York and The American Rescue Plan will deliver the much deserved relief for New York's local governments -- to the tune of $23.8 billion -- to get New York's municipalities the resources and funding they need to prevent layoff, to keep essential services running, and to keep our Main Streets alive and able to rebound when we emerge from the pandemic."

The senator explained that the nation's economic recovery depends on the survival of state and local governments, which have been forced to make substantial layoff across the nation as they struggle with revenue shortfalls caused by the COVID downturn. New York State lost billions of dollars in revenue compared to pre-pandemic years and counties and other municipalities across the state have already had to cut thousands of jobs due to massive budget shortfalls.

Concerned about the layoffs of public health care workers, firefighters, sanitation workers, teachers, and other vital public servants across New York, Schumer has fought since the beginning of the pandemic to deliver financial resources to help all counties, cities, towns, and villages recover. In addition to securing $150+ billion for New York in previous COVID relief bill negotiations, Schumer visited the Southern Tier and Western New York and pushed the previous administration to provide robust state and local aid that would benefit all Americans. After months of effort, the senator also successfully called for FEMA to provide 100% cost sharing to New York state, delivering billions more for the state to cover costs related to the pandemic.

The state and local allocation for New York in the Schumer-driven American Rescue Plan will help local governments avoid further layoffs and local tax and fee increases that would place a heavier burden on families and small businesses in crisis.

The full breakdown of the $23.8 billion going to New York State and localities can be found here.

$23.8 Billion for New York --Total amount of funding provided to New York State through the state and local fiscal relief fund, to keep first responders, frontline health workers, and other providers of vital services safely on the job as states and local governments roll out vaccines and fight to rebuild Main Street economies. Funding can be used for assistance to households, small businesses, nonprofits, aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and hospitality, investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure, and to provide premium pay to frontline workers. Local governments of every size, including all counties, cities, towns, and villages, receive dedicated federal aid awards. A new $10 billion capital projects program also support state broadband deployment efforts. Funds are allocated in New York as follows:

$12.569 Billion for New York State Government
$6.141 Billion for New York Metro Cities
$3.907 Billion for New York's Counties
$825 Million for New York's Small Cities, Towns, and Villages
$358 Million for a New York State Broadband Investment Program
Eligible uses for the state and local funds as detailed in the American Rescue Plan, appear below. This information is subject to change:

Funds may be used by state and local governments for:

Costs associated with responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency or its negative economic impacts, including but not limited to, assistance to households, small businesses, and nonprofits or aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and hospitality.
To support workers performing essential work during the COVID-19 public health emergency by providing premium pay to eligible workers or by providing grants to eligible employers that have eligible workers who perform essential work.
To cover revenue losses caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency.
To make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure.
Reactions from around New York:

"We acknowledge the leadership of Senator Schumer and the members of New York's Congressional Delegation who supported our local governments throughout this pandemic. Without our Senator Schumer, this package would not have included the federal assistance to counties and local governments. He has always been there for New Yorkers, and his resolve has only been strengthened during this this pandemic," said NYSAC Executive Director Stephen Acquario.

"Local governments have been on the frontline since the beginning of the pandemic providing critical public health services and ensuring the well-being of our most vulnerable citizens. For more than a year, we have continued this important work despite the immense challenges and fiscal uncertainty we have faced due to COVID-19 and the subsequent economic fallout. We thank Senator Schumer for his continued advocacy, this support helps to ensure local governments throughout the nation, and the people they employ, can continue the important and life-saving work they do every day," said New York Association of Counties President and Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro.

"I am profoundly thankful to Leader Schumer and his team for their tireless efforts to deliver COVID relief to state and local governments," said Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz. "Erie County has been on the frontline of the pandemic since day one, and this critical funding will allow us to continue fighting the virus and vaccinating our residents while maintaining essential services and promoting the economic recovery."

"We cannot have an adequate and full economic recovery without direct aid to counties and localities that have been on the frontlines of the pandemic response. Senate Majority Leader Schumer understood that and he fought for this historic funding included in the relief package passed on Saturday. Albany County will be receiving over $55.1 million in aid, while the combined total for our cities, towns and villages will come out to be more than $170 million, and I was proud to advocate for it over the last year. I urge the House to take up this bill and get it passed quickly so it can be signed by President Biden and provide families and businesses with the lifeline they desperately need," said Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy.

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan said, "The American Rescue Plan is going to help us keep our residents safe, frontline employees delivering essential services, businesses open, and cities thriving. A huge thank you to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for being a tireless advocate for this legislation and leading the charge to secure its passage in the US Senate. Our entire country needs this."

"We appreciate the tireless efforts of Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, and Congressman Tonko to secure financial assistance for local communities, including the City of Troy," said Troy Mayor Patrick Madden. "The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a significant financial toll on our community, impacting essential operations and services while reducing much-needed revenues. We eagerly await final passage of the American Rescue Plan, and applaud President Biden and our federal representatives for their commitment to rebuild our economy through this direct emergency assistance program."

"Senator schumer has been working for most of this past year to deliver local pandemic relief to municipalities like Schenectady. He visited City Hall this summer to redouble his commitment and true to his word, in his first bill as Majority Leader he has delivered. This funding will be enormously helpful to us in dealing with the revenue we lost in the pandemic and boosting our economic development moving forward," said Schenectady Mayor Gary McCarthy.

"Buffalo has weathered immense challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Buffalo Mayor Bryon W. Brown. "I predicted the need for federal aid early on. Direct local funding in this relief bill will ensure our recovery and I am confident Buffalo will emerge stronger and more resilient than ever. I applaud President Biden, Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Gillibrand, and Congressman Higgins for their leadership during this difficult time."

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren said, "Our City, and all local governments across the country, have been hit hard with both revenue shortfalls and expenses related to the pandemic. Just like so many households, Rochester's finances have been stressed and I'm grateful for Senator Schumer's leadership in delivering assistance for our city and all the other localities across the nation that needed a boost. Working with his congressional colleagues and President Biden, Chuck Schumer did what he does best -- fighting for all of us here in New York. Thank you Senator Schumer for ensuring our city has the resources to keep fighting for our neighbors across every one of Rochester's neighborhoods."

"I commend Senator Schumer's leadership and determination. The American Rescue Plan will give Syracuse and communities across the nation the opportunity to not only recover from the pandemic but to come back stronger and more competitive," said Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh. "It brings relief to people all over Syracuse who are suffering and helps hundreds of city workers hurt by the fiscal impact of COVID-19. The aid coming to Syracuse will help us offset what we've lost and prepare for the effects of the pandemic that will surely linger for years."

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello said, "The American Rescue Plan will deliver immediate and critical help to the families, workers, businesses and state and local governments that have felt the brunt of the economic downturn from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. I thank Sen Schumer for listening to the American people about what they need to make it through this trying time, and for his leadership and determination that has delivered a plan that will provide real, tangible results for the people of Monroe County and New York State. Funding provided by this plan will help vaccination distribution, hire additional vaccinators, give struggling businesses the chance to survive, further address the needs of our schools and lift the weight of fear and worry from families facing eviction, foreclosure and food insecurity."

Onondaga County Executive McMahon said, "Local Counties have been on the frontline since day one addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, and no one has understood that better than Senator Schumer. Thanks to his tireless efforts, Onondaga County will be able to receive desperately needed funding to not only make up for lost revenue but help us recover stronger than ever. McMahon continued, "As we ramp up vaccinations, work to reopen schools and rebuild our economy, I know Onondaga County can rely on Senator Schumer to be the advocate we need in Washington."

"Municipalities throughout New York State and the country have been negatively impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. Because of strong advocates like Senator Schumer, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provides municipalities with necessary resources to provide services and enhance the quality of our residents. I commend the Senator for his tireless efforts and thank him for his continued support," said Utica Mayor Robert M. Palmieri

"When Westchester was facing our darkest days at the onset of this pandemic, Leader Schumer instantly understood the massive hole that would be left in our - and other local governments' - budgets. With that in mind, he went to work. Our Senate and House delegation understood that the hole created in our budgets would result in less funding for vital functions -- like public health, safety and transportation -- that County government provides. This funding is a lifeline that will allow us to keep these vital public functions operating while easing the tax burden on already stressed residents. I sincerely thank Leader Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, Congressmen Bowman, Jones & Maloney and President Joe Biden for their efforts on the American Rescue Plan," said Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

The City of Newburgh has been extremely hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic," said City of Newburgh Mayor Torrance Harvey. "The direct funding for the City of Newburgh that the American Rescue Plan provides will help us continue our efforts to defeat the virus and build back our City's economy. I thank Senator Schumer for his steadfast leadership in making sure that the City of Newburgh and its residents have the tools needed to continue on despite the challenges that have come along with this crisis."

"The American Rescue Plan is a huge win for every single American. This act restores faith that our government has our backs and can be a force for good when we are most in need. On behalf of the 180,000 residents of Ulster County, I want to thank Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. None of this would be possible without his leadership, vision, and relentless efforts," said Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan.

"After a long and turbulent year, aid is finally here for Yonkers families, thanks to President Biden's and Senator Schumer's unwavering leadership. They recognized the needs of cities like Yonkers, where the pandemic hit the hardest, devastating the economic and social progress achieved in recent years. Yonkers now has a clear path set for ourselves, our schools, businesses and local community organizations to begin the road to recovery so we can continue to move forward," said City of Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano.

"The City of Kingston and our dedicated staff have worked around the clock to respond to this pandemic on the frontlines, while as a city we dealt with revenue loss and economic hardship" said City of Kingston Mayor Steve Noble. "We thank Senator Schumer for his leadership in passing the American Rescue Plan, which will provide much-needed direct aid to the City of Kingston, and other cities across this nation, at a time when it is needed most so we can continue serving Kingston residents. "

Rockland County Executive Ed Day said, "Just like many of our residents, Rockland County's finances have been hard hit by the added expenses and revenue shortfalls related to the pandemic. While we took steps early on to limit the fiscal impacts of COVID-19, we in County government have been the boots on the ground during this crisis and we have done whatever was necessary to keep delivering the services that people count on, this funding will make that job just a little bit easier. I thank Senator Schumer and our entire congressional delegation for delivering direct assistance to localities which will make all the difference as we work to fully recover from the pandemic."

"The American Rescue Plan includes critically needed funding for vaccinations, testing, schools and small businesses right here in Broome County," said Jason Garnar, Broome County Executive. "For months I have advocated for this funding for local governments so we can support our employees who have been fighting COVID-19 since day one," said Broome County Executive Jason Garnar. "A big thank you to Senator Schumer for helping make sure local governments in Broome County will get the funding we need to support our workers, fight COVID, and rebuild our economy."

"Funding for State and Local Governments is a big win for municipalities across the state and nation," said Richard C. David, Major of the City of Binghamton. "As President of the New York Conference of Mayors (NYCOM), I'm proud to have played a role working with Mayors throughout New York in advocating for this much needed direct relief. I'd like to thank Senator Schumer for his relentless leadership and for working with municipalities, listening to us and fighting for us. The funding for state and local governments will allow municipalities to continue to support critical police, fire, EMS, and other essential services as we recover from the pandemic and rebuild our local economies."
