Calvert, Mccarthy, and Van Drew Lead Effort to Send National Guard Home to Their Families and End Mission at The U.S. Capitol


Today, Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-42) was joined by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23), Congressman Jeff Van Drew (NJ-02), and 39 House Republicans in introducing legislation that would quickly wind down the National Guard's ongoing mission at the United States Capitol complex, remove the razor wire fencing, and restore our constituents' right to access our nation's Capitol grounds.

Statement from Rep. Calvert:

"The violent attack on our Capitol on January 6th marked one of the darkest days in the history of our republic and this institution. Thanks to the heroic actions of the Capitol Police, other law enforcement agencies, and our National Guard, peace and order has returned. With no active threats to the Capitol, there is a growing consensus among civilian and military leaders that the presence of our National Guard troops is no longer required at the Capitol. My legislation would require their mission to end 15 days after its passage. It is vital that Americans, as well as people around the globe, view the U.S. Capitol as a beacon of representative democracy rather than a heavily guarded fortress."

Statement from Republican Leader McCarthy:

"For the past several months, our National Guard troops have honorably carried out their mission of protecting the U.S. Capitol. They endured time away from their careers and families back home to provide security to the People's House, and we are incredibly grateful for their service. But now it is time to allow our National Guard troops to return home. It is unfair to them and to taxpayers to continue to keep them stationed here despite the lack of credible security threats.

It is also time to tear down the barricades around the Capitol complex. We must take down the fencing, commence public tours, and restore normalcy -- the same trends of "reopening" we are seeing in our own communities. The American people deserve to have access to their nation's legislative bodies -- it is time to reopen the People's House."

Statement from Rep. Van Drew:

"The U.S. Capitol is a standing testament to the freedom and democracy we uniquely enjoy as Americans. By putting armed guardsmen and razor wire between our citizens and the heart of our government we are, in effect, separating America from Americans. The U.S. Capitol Police have already stated there are no credible threats to Congress or the Capitol Complex that warrants this unnecessary show of force. It is time to remove the fencing and restore access for the American people. Anything less is unacceptable."

Right now, the cost of the National Guard at the Capitol is approximately $7 million per day, in addition to the $1.5M per week for the fencing. Many of the Guardsmen and women who are at the Capitol have jobs that include maintenance and repair of aircraft, vehicles and other weapons systems. Their continued presence at the Capitol threatens their unit's readiness and training.
