Reps. Smucker, Bacon & Moore Introduce Improving Adoption Outcomes & Affordability Act

Press Release

Date: April 6, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Reps. Lloyd Smucker (PA-11), Don Bacon (NE-2) and Blake Moore (UT-1) are announcing the introduction of the Improving Adoption Outcomes & Affordability Act of 2021, H.R. 2375.

The Improving Adoption Outcomes and Affordability Act would authorize the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to award grants to state or local governments, public or private adoption agencies, and faith-based organizations for the purpose of enhancing medical support services and mental health resources for mothers considering adoption. This legislation also helps bring stability to the drastically fluctuating financial, emotional and physical impacts of the adoption process by addressing the need for increased awareness around the sensitivity of adoption and providing medical and emotional support for mothers considering adoption from the onset.

"Early access to support services for mothers considering adoption plays a vital role in ensuring these mothers have the medical and emotional support they need during their decision-making process. By providing additional resources for training for health care professionals, access and availability to medical and mental support services during pregnancy and post-placement, this bill will produce better overall long-term health and emotional outcomes for the birth mother, the child she placed and the adoptive family. I will continue to advocate for policies that help support adoption and I am thankful for the support that this important legislation has received. There is no question that it would help to create healthy and strong families," said Congressman Lloyd Smucker.

"Mothers who selflessly decide to entrust their child to a family through adoption deserve the best medical support and mental health resources to improve the process and ensure that both mother and baby are at their healthiest," said Rep. Bacon. "As an adoptive parent myself, I know how important early-access to these support services is and this legislation will bring stability to mother and child."

"I am honored to cosponsor legislation that provides critical resources to mothers going through the adoption process," said Congressman Blake Moore. "Adoption can be emotionally, physically, and financially challenging, and the resources that will be made available through the Improving Adoption Outcomes and Affordability Act will help alleviate these difficulties. I am looking forward to seeing the positive impact this legislation will have on adoption stories for years to come."

Rep. Smucker introduces this legislation building upon his work to support adoption.

Rep. Smucker's H.R. 1713, to help improve adoption outcomes for children entering the foster care system as a result of parents or guardians struggling to provide a safe home due to substance abuse, was advanced in the House of Representatives last month.
