Representative Rosendale Continues to Fight for Expanded Telehealth

Press Release

Date: Aug. 3, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid

Today, Representative Rosendale introduced the Rural Telehealth Expansion Act. This legislation would expand Medicare to cover store-and-forward telehealth services to all 50 states.
Store-and-Forward telehealth services allows for a patient to send electronic communications including photos, messages, and video clips to their primary care providers instead of making them visit the care provider in person. This is especially important for everyday needs or routine visits that do not require the doctor to be physically present.

Currently, Medicare only covers this service in Hawaii and Alaska. This bill would expand this coverage to the other 48 states, and allow it to be paid for by Medicare. Having the ability to access this technology will save Montanans on Medicare time, energy, and money by allowing them to access this service.
"COVID-19 has revealed the importance of allowing citizens to utilize telehealth services to the fullest," Representative Rosendale said. "This legislation is a common-sense reform to expand access and to strengthen telehealth options as a whole."

"Store and forward telehealth has played an essential role in delivering high-quality care to patients around the country. Rep. Rosendale's proposal will ensure patients on Medicare can benefit from this technology as well." Charlie Katebi, Health Policy Analyst, Americans for Prosperity
