Tweet - "I was pleased to meet with UK Prime Minister @BorisJohnson today and join @SenatorMenendez making clear the Good Friday Accord, Stormont Agreement, and Northern Ireland Protocol must not be undermined Any potential US-UK trade deal depends on maintaining progress on these fronts"

Social Media

Date: Sept. 22, 2021

"I was pleased to meet with UK Prime Minister @BorisJohnson today and join @SenatorMenendez making clear the Good Friday Accord, Stormont Agreement, and Northern Ireland Protocol must not be undermined

Any potential US-UK trade deal depends on maintaining progress on these fronts"

"Met w/ Prime Minister @BorisJohnson & reiterated my concerns about lack of full implementation of the Good Friday Accords, Stormont Agreement & Northern Ireland Protocol. The US has a Special Relationship w/ the UK but any future trade deal will hinge on progress in these areas."

