Hoyer Statement on President Biden's Historically Productive First Year in Office


Date: Jan. 20, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today marking President Biden's first year in office:

"One year ago, President Biden and Vice President Harris took office amid a deadly pandemic and economic crisis that were out of control. Today, most Americans are vaccinated against severe COVID-19, and we've experienced the greatest single year of job growth and economic recovery in our history. More than 6.4 million new jobs were created over the past year, bringing our unemployment rate down from 6.4% to just 3.9% - what economists consider full employment and far lower than experts had predicted. Meanwhile, we've seen real GDP grow faster than any year since 1984. The Dow Jones and NASDAQ indices have delivered double-digit returns for investors, and small-business applications have jumped nearly a third since before the pandemic. Nobody can deny that our economy is recovering steadily and strongly under this Administration.

"So far under this President and the Democratic-controlled Congress, we saw the enactment of the American Rescue Plan in President Biden's first three months in office -- delivering shots in arms, money in pockets, people in jobs, and tools to safely reopen schools. In the same year, the Biden-Harris Administration also championed transformational, bipartisan investments in infrastructure. The American Rescue Plan will be remembered as one of the most important pieces of legislation of our time, much like core components of the New Deal after President Roosevelt took office, halting the sharp decline in health safety and economic activity under the previous Republican-led government and offering a path back toward normalcy and growth. While the Omicron variant poses new challenges, nearly two out of three Americans are fully vaccinated today, and the vaccines and booster shots have been proven to save lives and improve health outcomes. The Biden-Harris Administration is also providing free testing and masks to meet this challenge and working to keep schools and businesses open safely. As a result of the long-overdue and long-demanded Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we've started the process of building back better by funding growth-oriented projects in transit, broadband, and clean energy.

"The previous occupant of the White House promised to get these things done but could not deliver. Moreover, he threatened our allies, cozied up to America's adversaries, and left office just days after inciting a riot to overturn our election that saw law enforcement maimed and killed on the grounds of our Capitol. This past year, President Biden has worked tirelessly to rebuild and strengthen our alliances, uphold the rule of law and our Constitution, and make clear to the enemies of democracy at home and abroad that our American ideals will endure.

"I congratulate President Biden and Vice President Harris on a successful first year in office and look forward to continuing our work together to keep building back better and providing Americans with responsible government For the People."
