Letter to Brad Hunt, Superintendent of Coppell Independent School District, and Greg Axelson, Principal of Coppell Middle School North - Concern Over Bullying Incident Targeting Indian American Student


Dear Dr. Hunt and Dr. Axelson:

We are writing to express our deep concern about the recent incident of bullying which occurred at Coppell Middle School North in the Coppell Independent School District (CISD). As you know, a widely circulated video of the incident shows 14-year-old Shaan Pritmani being assaulted and eventually "choked out" in an alleged wrestling maneuver that could have resulted in serious injury.

This video has sparked widespread outrage in the Indian American community. As Indian American members of Congress and representatives of our diverse communities, the possibility of a young Indian American being targeted in this manner is extremely disturbing. We understand that in a May 15, 2022, statement to the community, Dr. Hunt emphasized that "Bullying, both verbal and physical, as well as physical acts of aggression are never acceptable and do not align with who we are at CISD and our core values."

With that in mind, we are hoping that such values are backed up by consideration of the following factors:

· Whether a thorough, objective investigation was conducted

· If the investigation was done to the satisfaction of the families involved

· If the physical risk of brain damage or death or other injury considered in determining the severity of the incident

· Fair determination for periods of suspension

· Fair standards of accountability

· Steps to prevent bullying at this school

· Steps for restorative justice and counseling for those involved

· Concrete steps to ensure Shaan Pritami is not facing ongoing bullying from assailant or other students

We appreciate your attention to this matter, not only to serve your school community, but also to consider the concerns being expressed to us from across the country.
