Remarks by President Biden and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia Before Bilateral Meeting

Date: March 13, 2023
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Well, Mr. Prime Minister, welcome to San Diego.

And through both war and peace, we've been together in every -- every endeavor we've had -- joint security efforts, and it's been across the board. And that's exactly what we're doing now. I think this is a really consequential agreement we just made, and I think it's going to make a big difference in terms of our -- and represents our vision and our values of what needs to be done.

And I think that, you know, we're investing in the manufacturing base in both our countries as well, in addition to the impact on our military capacity. And I think that it's going to be a gamechanger, in my view.

And I think that that, coupled with the Quad, which we're both a part of -- including Japan and India -- that we -- we have a -- an ability to expand the maritime domain of democracies and peace, stability, and some security. I think that's important.

And together, we're working on climate change and regional stability, including economic coercion that's taking place in your part of the world -- not by you, but by others.

And we're going to step up to -- for the people of Ukraine. We've stuck together on that.

I just had a very good meeting with our colleague from Great Britain on that issue.

And today, we're going to discuss the deepening U.S.-Australia commitment to one another.

And I really do think we have an opportunity to -- I don't view what we're doing as -- as a challenge to anybody. I view it as a -- as a means by which we're bringing stability into the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean. And I think it's -- it's going to be greeted -- when they realize our purpose -- by everyone as maintaining stability and security. And -- and we can continue the basic rules of the road.

Thank you. And I look forward to -- remember, you invited me down to Australia. I'm coming.
