Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 20, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Mr. Chair, I thank my friend, Congressman Rick Larsen, for yielding.

Mr. Chair, yesterday, I had a chance to talk about this legislation and talk about the fact that there has been an input process that has gone on for well over a year. This legislation is in excess of 840 pages and has achieved numerous bipartisan wins on things that are advancing aviation safety and the aviation industry in the United States.

There are a number of people behind the scenes who have put tremendous hours of blood, sweat, and tears into this bill. I will take a minute to thank the following folks: Hunter Presti, Laney Copeland, Julie Devine, Chris Senn, Andrew Giacini, Will Moore, Jack Ruddy, Corey Cooke, Abby Wenk, Leslie Parker, Brian Bell, Alex Menardy, Liz Forro, Adam Weiss, Kathy Dedrick, and Stanton Johnson, as well as our own deputy chief of staff, Maggie Ayrea, for all the work that they did to put this legislation together.

I remind this body, Mr. Chairman, that this bill passed out of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on a unanimous vote. I will be the first to admit that, certainly, there are some imperfections--and my friend from Pennsylvania believes he has identified one--but this legislation is really just a tremendous step forward for the aviation industry in the United States.

I, again, thank Mr. Larsen. Sam Graves did an amazing job, as well as Congressman Cohen for their partnership on this bill.

