Chair Rodgers on Biden's IRA: Boom for China, Bust for American Families


Date: Aug. 16, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.
Keyword Search: Inflation

"Last Congress, President Biden and Democrats doubled down on a reckless tax-and-spending spree claiming that it would reduce inflation and make life more affordable. One year later, inflation has risen an additional three percent, and people are still paying higher costs to feed their families, keep the lights on, and fill up their gas tanks than when President Biden took office. His disastrous agenda has led innovators to stop research into new, potentially lifesaving treatments and cures, while also increasing our reliance on China.

Republicans have solutions to combat the consequences of the Radical-Left's agenda and make life better for people. Those solutions include H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to unleash American energy and lower costs, as well as other efforts to mitigate drug shortages, preserve people's access to health care, and cut China out of our supply chains. This is how we improve people's lives, reduce inflation, and build a more secure American future."
