Remarks by President Biden and President Võ Văn Thưởng of Vietnam Before Bilateral Meeting

Date: Sept. 11, 2023
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Issues: Foreign Affairs


Mr. President, thank you for welcoming me and my team here today. We -- we truly appreciate it.

Our new Comprehensive Strategic Partnership launched a new era of cooperation between our -- between our countries and our nations -- an era of expanded technology and defense cooperation; an era of stronger economic ties, including through the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework; as well as an era of deeper collaboration on the challenges that matter most to our people in their lives, from education to health to food security and well beyond.

But most of all, Mr. President, I'm (inaudible) greater peace, prosperity, and security for all our people, particularly if we keep down this road.

And, Mr. President, since our countries normalized relations nearly three decades ago, it's remarkable how far and how fast we've come. With -- but with our new Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, it's even more remarkable how far we'll be able to go together in the decades ahead.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: More change is going to take place in the next 10 years than the last 50 years, and we have to be together as that change -- to help shape it.

And so, thank you again for having me here and for hosting the lunch. And -- and I look forward to returning some of your hospitality at the APEC summit in San Francisco this fall. I hope to see you there.
