Remarks by President Biden After Tour of Allentown Fire Training Academy | Allentown, PA

Date: Jan. 12, 2024
Location: Allentown, PA
Keyword Search: Vaccine

"Well, folks, end of a good day. We came up here to the Allentown area and the greater area to make sure what we're -- Bobby and I -- the Senator and I were doing -- along with the Governor -- was making some sense and affecting people's attitudes.

I've said before that, you know, starting a new business is an act of hope. And a lot of people came out of the last several years -- the previous several years kind of down.

You know, I was talking with the -- the owners of the coffee shop, and you -- you saw me taking them around. And I said, "You know, I think we underestimate the impact that the failure to respond to the COVID crisis quickly enough had on the psyche of the American people." And they were -- and they surprised me. They said, "Well, I know it did with us."

You had over a million people dying -- a million people dying, and we had trouble at the front end of realizing there wasn't much done to deal with it. And we ramped up rapidly vaccinations and the like.

And that generated a comment from our host and hostess telling us that they -- they had real troubles. One, the young woman who went to the -- college graduate, very impressive young woman, owns the coffee shop -- she was talking about how she had suffered from post-traumatic stress and all the things that were happening around her and the loss of hope and faith she had.

And then he, the husband, started talking about how he suffered from depression. But when they started to see what was happening, that we were actually investing in the community -- you guys know people who've had post-traumatic stress -- in the military and firefighters and the like -- and how they began to gain some hope.

And they talked about how the increase in the Obamacare being available to them and the 800 dol- -- extra dollars -- how it made a difference in their lives in getting the help they needed from the hospitals that they were dealing with.

And they just went on and on about how what happened is, once they were able to fund the business -- and they got help to do that --


-- as well, through you and others -- that they -- they started to gain faith in what was going on.

And then talking to a lot of the business owners here. You've heard me say it before, and I apologize for repeating it because you hear it all the time, but I got tired of -- so did Bobby -- the trickle-down economics. You know, if everybody -- if the big guys do well, everybody does well.

Well, you know, that may have been -- occurred, but I'm not a big fan, never had been, of that. I've always believed if the middle class does well, everybody does well, the wealthy do very well, and the poor have a ladder up.

And -- and so, they -- all of them talked about how the number of people coming into their coffee shop, the number of people come into the bike shop, the number of people coming into the running store, how the -- the demography started changing, people started to be more engaged. And there is a real, genuine sense of optimism.

And I -- and they talked about childcare and how -- and how, originally, when we had passed the legislation that -- for the Child Care Tax Credit, how that altered their life and ability to deal with their medical problems at the time because they had help being able to take care of their -- of their kids.

And so, what we've talked about is we're going to make sure that we're going to follow on. This is not the end of what we're doing. We're going to make sure that there is childcare available. It helps everybody. It's not only -- not a -- a impact on the -- on the taxpayer; it generates economic growth. Because when you can continue to work, if you have a child that needs help or needs to be taken care of, it generates economic growth. Everybody does better.

And then they talked about -- I was talking to the guys here and in other places about the money we got here from the SAFER act -- able to hire more cop- -- more cops -- more firefighters and the way you built this training center. The idea that now you have a first-rate training center that goes all the way -- I guess you got -- you got Binghamton, you got -- not Binghamton, excuse me -- you got -- from Scranton. You've got what's happening all across, up and down this state and this area where you -- we have the best-trained firefighters in the world.

And, by the way, it matters. These guys risk their lives. Not a joke. And it matters to know they know -- they know what they're doing. It matters to know when they -- so, anyway.

I just came away from this really reassured that what we've done has had an impact not just here in Eastern Pennsylvania and -- but -- in the Northeast, but throughout the country. And we're going to do more. We -- the job is not finished.

Bobby, you want to say anything?


And, by the way, all this is connected. You know, we've invested, because of the Infrastructure Act -- I want to get the number right -- I think it's roughly -- how many billion dollars? $145 billion so far.

For example, you know, when you -- when you increase the number of jobs, that increases the number of customers. When you increase the number of customers, it increases the sense of stability. When you increase that -- I mean, it just goes across the board.

And so, we're talking about 26,000 manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania just since we became President. Twenty-four thousand -- it was down twenty-four thousand jobs under my predecessor. Because we invested -- we invested in the infrastructure bill. We invested in the people who, in fact, need the opportunity to have a good job.

And I'll end by saying -- you've heard me say it a thousand times, but it's worth saying because it's the kind of language we understood in the neighborhoods I grew up in. My dad said, "Joey, a job is about a lot more than your paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about opportunity. It's about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, "Honey, everything is going to be okay.'"

It's interesting. One of the owners in one of the shops -- I don't have permission to say the name, so I won't, but if you -- but I can check, if you want me to -- saying that, "I can look at my kid now and say, "It's going to be okay. We're going to make it. We're going to make it.'"

A lot more to do. We're not finished. But it's just -- this has a self-fulfilling prophecy when -- and, again -- I'll give you one last example. We talked about prescription drugs with -- with the folks. The idea that prescription drugs -- and we -- us being able to pass a requirement that Medicare has to negotiate drug prices was -- you know, people say, "Well, that costs money." Guess what? It saves the taxpayers billions of dollars -- billions of dollars -- billions of dollars.

It not only takes the burden -- for example, insulin. It costs 10 bucks to make, total of around 12 bucks when you package it all. They can now only charge $35, and Medicare will only pay out 35 bucks. It was costing $400 or more. Who was paying that? In addition to saving the taxpayer, you're not -- your taxes aren't having to pay 400 bucks.

And so, we're going to make -- by the way, we're going to go back and we're going to get -- make sure it applies to everybody, not just seniors --


-- before it's all over. Anyway.

Thank you. I'll take a few questions.


If you notice, they're feeling much better about how the economy is doing. What we haven't done is letting them know exactly who got it changed. That's the part. That's what's happening.

If you look at the consumer confidence measures, they're way up. Looking across the board, everybody is doing better. And they believe it; they know it. And they're just beginning to sink in.

One of the things that people don't know -- I mean, the idea that the people -- the firefighters know -- but the idea that I -- because of what I did in terms of the funding for fire departments. Guess what? They got a fire school now here. Guess who's paying for it? Not local. The federal government is paying for it.

And guess what? It's changing the dynamic, and people -- find somebody here who thinks there shouldn't be a fire school here. Find somebody who thinks that doesn't make sense. And it's going to save money over time because you're going to save property, you're going to save lives, you're going to save a lot of things.

And so, it's a matter of this -- none of what we passed was able -- and I knew it when I -- when I proposed it. Remember when I would -- proposed the -- the infrastructure bill, and I said it's going to be over $350 billion? And you all looked at me like I've taken leave of my senses. Well, I never thought -- it's going to take time. It's starting to sink in to people what's happening.

Same way with the healthcare piece. All of a sudden, people are realizing, "My God, not only insulin going down." We're going to have 15 more drugs where now they're going to be able to negotiate the price. Prices are going to come down dramatically.

Any of you have a prescription drug from an American company? You give me that drug, I'll go have it -- I'll -- you give you that prescription, I'll have it filled in -- in Toronto or London or Brazil. Guess what? It costs a hell of a lot less. Same company, same outfit.

And the last thing is -- one of the things that's going to have an impact is, and I know it doesn't matter to you guys --I'm being facetious; I shouldn't kid like that -- but when you want to call and check the balance on your account, you get charged 30 bucks. Is that fair? Is that fair, these junk fees?

You're going to go home for -- for Easter or you're going to go home for Christmas, you're going to go home for the holidays with your kid, and you find out to get your kid sitting next to you is going to cost you another 200 bucks. These are junk fees. And guess what? We're getting rid of them.

So, people are beginning to figure out what it is that -- the reason why they got these opportunities, why it occurred. And that's my job and our job to make sure people know.


It's irrelevant whether they're designated. We've put together a group of nations that are going to say that if they continue to act and behave as they do, we'll respond.


I'm very concerned. That's why we've got to stop it.




They're wrong. And I sent up the -- I sent up this morning, when the strikes occurred, exactly what happened.


I -- I was pleased with my conversation with Speaker Johnson. And apparently, today, he said he's sticking by the deal.


THE PRESIDENT: That matters. Thanks."
