Ernst: Rot at FDIC Runs Even Deeper

Press Release

Date: Jan. 26, 2024
Location: Washington, DC

"As I wrote to Chairman Gruenberg, there must be real ramifications for those found to be responsible--both past and present--for committing the heinous acts, as well as those who allowed those monsters to run rampant in the FDIC for far too long. The FDIC has the power to fire these employees. You must do all in your power to ensure they do so. As I am sure you would agree, the women of the FDIC deserve not only a top-to-bottom overhaul of their workplace, they deserve justice as well. This means criminal referrals when warranted. It means forcefully urging the agency to fire employees found to have perpetrated misconduct rather than reshuffling the deck. It means recommending a top-to-bottom overhaul of the policies and procedures the FDIC uses in its day-to-day management operations. Perhaps nothing encapsulates the FDIC's dire need for a cleaning of the house than Mr. Mark Black's announced guilty plea on charges to produce child pornography, and coercion and enticement. It is past time to rebuild the FDIC's failing reputation."
