Remarks by President Biden, President Andrzej Duda, and Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland Before Bilateral Meeting

Date: March 13, 2024
Location: Washington D.C.
Keyword Search: Russia Ukraine

"Well, gentlemen, welcome. Great to have you back in Washington, and good seeing you all again. And, Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, it’s an honor to welcome you to a historic anniversary. It’s kind of interesting. Twenty-five years ago today, on this very day, Poland joined NATO. And some of you may remember, I was very involved in that happening.

And I — during that ceremony, the former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, made this following statement — she said, “When we stand together, no force on Earth is more powerful.” “When we stand together, no force on Earth is more powerful.”

I believed that then, and I believe it now. And we see it in Polish American troops serving side by side in NATO and the eastern flank, including in Poland. And we see it in our commitment to strengthen NATO’s collective defenses.

And I want to pause here and note that Poland is spending nearly 4 percent of its gross domestic product on defense — much of it purchasing American we- — American weapons systems and — and aircraft — and has doubled the NATO commitment: 4 percent.

We also see it in our support for Ukraine in the force [face] of Putin’s vicious onslaught against Ukraine in a way that is just border- — I won’t even describe it.

I want to thank you both for Poland’s unwavering security and humanitarian assistance, including welcoming about 1 million Ukrainian refugees. As my mother would say, “God love you. You’re doing God’s work.” You really are. It’s incredible what you’re doing — what the Polish people are doing.

Today, the United States is announcing an emergency package for Ukraine using cost-savings from previously approved Pentagon contracts. The package includes munitions and rounds to help Ukraine hold the line against Russia’s brutal attacks for the ne- — next couple of weeks, which I have the authority to do be- — without an- — asking Congress for some more money right now. But I’ve asked them for a lot more money.

And so, we’re — but it’s not nearly enough what we’re — I’m announcing today.

Congress must pass the bipartisan national security bill now, which includes urgent funding for Ukraine. We must act before it literally is too late — before it’s too late. Because as Poland remembers, Russia won’t stop at Ukraine. Putin will keep going, putting Europe, the United States, and the entire free world at risk, in my view.

So, thank you both, again, for being here at this critical time. And with that, Mr. President, I hand it over to you. The floor is yours.


Thank you, Mr. President.


Thank you very much.

Mr. Prime Minister.


Thank — thank you again.

Thank you, again, for being here. And America’s commitment to Poland is ironclad. We mean what we say that, you know, an attack on — on a single inch of soil of a NATO partner is an attack on all of us. And that’s what keeps us all safe, in my view.

And I look forward to our conversation and working together the years ahead. And as Secretary Albright said, we stand together as Allies. When we do that, no force on Earth is more powerful.

So, thank you. And we’ll get down to business in a second here. Thank you. "
