Delegation: Another First for the State on Delaware Day

Date: Dec. 7, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

Delegation: Another First for the State on Delaware Day

Delaware's Congressional Delegation -- Senators Joe Biden and Tom Carper and Congressman Mike Castle today praised the dedication of Delaware's new Veterans Home, calling it long overdue and an historic first for the state. Delaware is the last state in the continental U.S. to provide a veterans home.

The Congressional delegation was unable to attend the dedication, as the House and Senate are wrapping up the final session of the 109th Congress. Federal funding supplied $19.4 million of the $29 million cost of the Home, or 65% of the total cost of the project. Carper and Castle toured the new home last week.

"Especially in times like these, with our servicemen and women engaged in combat, it's vitally important that we not lose sight of the service and sacrifice of those who wore the uniform before," said Senator Biden. "We owe it to our veterans, today and always, to do the very best we can to repay the debt we owe them, and Delaware's new Veterans Home is a key part of the effort."

"Our veterans deserve the best possible care, and thanks to the hard work of the men and women at the local, state and federal levels, we've been able to bring this much-overdue veterans home to Delaware. Today's dedication represents a vital step toward transforming Delaware's veterans care system into one of the finest in the nation," Carper said.

"There is no question that this home is long overdue and I am pleased the federal government recognized the need for this facility in our state. It was during my term as Governor that the Delaware Commission on Veterans Affairs was established in 1987, and getting this home built has long been something we've all been fighting for. I look forward to the spring when we can finally move deserving veterans into the home and start providing the necessary care," Castle said.

The new Veterans Home is a 10,000 square-foot home which will have space for 150 veterans, including a 30 bed dementia unit; a 30 bed domiciliary unit; and 90 beds available for skilled or intermediate care. There will also be some day programming for veterans.
