BIDEN Introduces Resolution to Restore Democracy in Pakistan

Press Release

Date: Feb. 7, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

BIDEN Introduces Resolution to Restore Democracy in Pakistan

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE) today introduced a resolution expressing condolences for the death of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and urging a concerted effort on the part of Pakistan and the United States to ensure that the government of Pakistan returns to the democratic path in the wake of her assassination. The resolution calls for an independent investigation into the murder of Ms. Bhutto and also calls upon the Pakistani government to return to democracy by ensuring free and fair elections without further delays; releasing all political detainees; revoking restrictions on the press and free speech; and restoring a genuinely independent judiciary. Senator Biden's resolution also calls on President Bush to review all U.S. aid to Pakistan to ensure that all assistance furthers the common goals shared by both countries to combat violent radicalism and promote a free and democratic Pakistan.

"The assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto on December 27, 2007 was a political thunderbolt, and those of us who knew her personally have shared the loss felt by Pakistanis of all political outlooks," said Senator Biden. "In the wake of this shocking act of terrorism, Pakistani democracy remains seriously threatened. This is not merely a matter of concern to Pakistan, but to the United States as well. Until the political crisis in Pakistan is resolved, no government in Islamabad will have the focus, the will, or the military and intelligence resources necessary to combat the threat of Al Qaeda terrorism and Taliban insurgency effectively."

"That's why I have introduced legislation calling on the Pakistani government to hold free and fair elections, release political prisoners and revoke restrictions placed on the press and free speech in recent months. At the same time, President Bush must review U.S. foreign aid to the Pakistani government and make sure that all assistance is being used to promote democracy and prevent the rise of violent fundamentalism in Pakistan. I feel we must have an independent investigation into Ms. Bhutto's assassination. She gave her life to uphold democracy, moderation and social justice in Pakistan and we must find out who was behind this and bring those responsible to justice," said Senator Biden. "Pakistan stands at a critical juncture. We must all work together to ensure that it returns to a stable democracy as quickly as possible."
