BIDEN Issues Statement Following President's Remarks on Conflict in Georgia


Date: Aug. 13, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

BIDEN Issues Statement Following President's Remarks on Conflict in Georgia

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE) today issued this statement following the President's remarks regarding the conflict in Georgia:

"This morning, President Bush expressed strong support for international efforts to broker a ceasefire in Georgia and affirmed the United States' commitment to Georgia's people and democratic government. I applaud the President's statement, but I believe he must make these points directly to Russia's leaders. There is no indication that he has done so since leaving Beijing.

"President Bush should be speaking regularly and directly to Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev so that there is no misunderstanding of the United States' position. He should tell them calmly but clearly that they should expect practical and political consequences to flow from Russia's actions. He should insist that that Russia make good on its commitments to halt military actions, withdraw its forces from Georgia, respect Georgia's territorial integrity and democratically-elected government, and accept international mediation to broker a peace agreement in South Ossetia. It is also critical that Russia protect civilians anywhere in Georgia and allow humanitarian assistance to flow promptly and safely into the country, including the assistance the United States is providing."
