Statement of Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin On the Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act


Date: June 28, 2012

"Today's ruling by justices appointed by Presidents of both parties is an independent legal judgment. It is now time to come together and make this work.

I disagree with those who want to rip up the decision of an independent court and start over.

I am committed to continuing my work across party lines to make reform work and if there are bipartisan solutions that strengthen reform, we should work together to move them forward.

I have previously authored bipartisan, health care reform legislation with Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) that earned broad co-sponsorship from 36 Republicans and 44 Democrats. I remain a willing partner to work across the political divide to advance bi-partisan solutions and protect the gains we have made for the people of Wisconsin.

I believe middle class families should have the peace of mind knowing they will have access to quality, affordable health care, regardless of any pre-existing condition.

I believe Wisconsin small business owners should receive assistance to provide health coverage to their employees, allowing them to be more competitive in the global marketplace.

I believe seniors should continue to have access to free preventive care, as well as affordable access to prescription drugs under Medicare.

And I believe that it is the right thing to do to allow over 6 million young people who now have health care to stay on their parents' health care coverage."
