Jones Nomination

Floor Speech

Date: July 29, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Ms. KLOBUCHAR. I thank the majority leader for his work and the Members of the Senate for allowing Todd Jones to get a vote to head the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau. This is a job that has gone unfilled, as you know, for 7 years, since it became confirmable under law--7 years, under President Bush, under President Obama. These 2,400 agents have had no leader.

During that time they have investigated extensive crimes, including just this year the Boston Marathon bombing, as well as the explosion in Texas. These are just examples of what these agents are doing. They deserve a full-time leader.

Mr. Jones is a former marine. He has five children. He has been going back and forth in Minnesota between the U.S. attorney's job and doing the ATF job for 2 years.

Enough is enough. I am glad we are moving forward with this nomination. I am glad for Mr. Jones, who deserves it, and who has been willing to put his name forward, willing to come in, clean up this agency after Fast and Furious and all the concerns we all had with that effort. He was willing to come in, take over this very difficult job, and do two jobs at once. He deserves to be confirmed for this job.

I am pleased for the agents as well, those 2,400 hard-working people who simply go to work every day, immune from the politicians, immune from what Democrats think or what Republicans think. They just deserve a boss. That is what this vote is about.
