Palmer Supports EPA Reform Measures

Date: March 18, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

This week, Congressman Gary Palmer voted for two bills on the House floor, H.R. 1029, The EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act, and H.R. 1030, The Secret Science Reform Act, which he had previously supported as a member of the Science, Space and Technology Committee. These bills make positive reforms to the EPA to enforce accountability and transparency.

"The EPA is an agency with serious and systemic problems. It has abused its power to achieve goals which are not supported by the American people, and too often does so without sufficient transparency or public input. These bills will resolve some of these ongoing problems, and move us in the right direction by ensuring the EPA does not rely on secret, unverifiable science, and by ensuring scientific review does not become politicized.

"I have a long history of advocating for sound environmental policies while rejecting environmental extremism. I look forward to supporting more EPA reforms."
