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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal

Date Title
08/17/2021 Tweet - "Members of Congress should not be allowed to trade individual stocks. Period. Put your money in conflict-free investments or pick a different line of work. That's part of my plan to root out corruption in Washington."
08/14/2021 Tweet - "When I was a kid, my mother got a minimum wage job that could support a family of three. But now, a minimum wage job wouldn't keep a momma and her baby out of poverty. That is wrong, and that is why I'm in the #FightFor15."
07/25/2021 Tweet - "The richest guy on Earth can launch himself into space while over half the country lives paycheck to paycheck, nearly 43 million are saddled with student debt, and child care costs force millions out of work. He can afford to pitch in so everyone else gets a chance."
07/11/2021 Tweet - "The whole system is broken. Shady student loan debt servicers make buckets of money by cheating borrowers, and PHEAA has robbed untold numbers of public servants of debt relief. It's time to #CancelStudentDebt."
06/27/2021 Tweet - "When we organize together, fight together, and persist together, we win together. We've all got to raise our voices and call on the Biden administration to extend the pause on student loan payments and #CancelStudentDebt."
07/22/2019 Tweet - "I warned about an economic crash years before the 2008 crisis, but the people in power wouldn't listen. Now I'm seeing serious warning signs again--and I'm calling for action before another crisis costs America's families their homes, jobs, and savings."