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Sheila Jackson Lee's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch


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Date Title
07/17/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on the Death of Former Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Paul Stevens
07/02/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Commends the House Ways and Means Committee on Its Lawsuit Demanding Production of The President's Tax Returns
07/01/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement Following the Supreme Court's Grant of Certiorari to A Case Considering the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program
06/27/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement Following the Supreme Court's Decision in Department of Commerce v. New York
06/27/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Denounces the Supreme Court's Decision in Rucho v. Common Cause and Calls on States to Implement Protocols to Protect Against Political Gerrymandering
02/04/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on the Reversal by the Department of Justice in Abbott v. Perez
02/04/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Applauds and Welcomes Reforms to the Cash Bail System in Harris County
12/07/2018 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on the President's Intent to Nominate Bill Barr to be the Next Attorney General
10/05/2018 Statement by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on Kavanaugh Senate Vote
10/03/2018 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Leads Members of the House of Representatives In Protest of the Senate Judiciary Committee Vote Which Helps Secure Postponement of the Vote on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh
10/02/2018 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Demands that any Vote on whether to Confirm Brett Kavanaugh Occur only After the FBI has Completed a Credible and Thorough Investigation and all Senators have had the Opportunity to Meaningfully Review its Findings
09/27/2018 Rep. Huffman, House Dems to McConnell: Postpone Kavanaugh Proceedings
09/24/2018 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Attends Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings and Encourages Senators to Reject the Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh
02/27/2018 Ranking Member Nadler and Immigration Subcommittee Democrats Respond to SCOTUS Immigrant Detention Decision
10/11/2017 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Leads New Push For Bail Reform
01/20/2017 Conyers & Jackson Lee Laud Obama's Historic Presidential Commutations
11/18/2016 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Statement Opposing Nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama to be U.S. Attorney General
11/16/2016 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement Regarding Decision by County Attorney to Bring Manslaughter Charges Against Officer Involved in Fatal Shooting of Philando Castile
11/04/2016 Conyers, Jackson Lee Commend President Obama for Additional Commutations of Sentences; Call For Congressional Action on Sentencing Reform
09/01/2016 Conyers & Jackson Lee Applaud Additional Commutations
06/03/2016 Conyers, Jackson Lee Commend President Obama for Additional Commutations of Sentences, Call for Congressional Action on Sentencing Reform
06/30/2015 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Applauds Supreme Court Decision
06/25/2015 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on King v. Burwell Decision
06/18/2015 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on the Hate Crime Shootings in Charleston, South Carolina
06/09/2015 Blacks in Government Announces Support for HR 59 -- Building Bridges and Transforming Resentment and Unfairness to Support and Trust for Municipal Law Enforcement Act

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