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Sheila Jackson Lee's Public Statements on Issue: Legal


Date Title
02/04/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on the Reversal by the Department of Justice in Abbott v. Perez
02/04/2019 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Applauds and Welcomes Reforms to the Cash Bail System in Harris County
12/07/2018 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on the President's Intent to Nominate Bill Barr to be the Next Attorney General
11/18/2016 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Statement Opposing Nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama to be U.S. Attorney General
11/16/2016 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement Regarding Decision by County Attorney to Bring Manslaughter Charges Against Officer Involved in Fatal Shooting of Philando Castile
11/04/2016 Conyers, Jackson Lee Commend President Obama for Additional Commutations of Sentences; Call For Congressional Action on Sentencing Reform
09/01/2016 Conyers & Jackson Lee Applaud Additional Commutations
06/03/2016 Conyers, Jackson Lee Commend President Obama for Additional Commutations of Sentences, Call for Congressional Action on Sentencing Reform
06/18/2015 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Statement on the Hate Crime Shootings in Charleston, South Carolina
06/09/2015 Blacks in Government Announces Support for HR 59 -- Building Bridges and Transforming Resentment and Unfairness to Support and Trust for Municipal Law Enforcement Act
03/06/2015 Brief of 167 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 44 U.S. Senators as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
07/03/2014 Lawmakers Deplore Conditions at Humanitarian Border Crisis
06/24/2013 Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Continues to Hope for a Fair Treatment for Affirmative Action
06/23/2013 Congresswoman Jackson Lee Hopeful that "Anchor" of the Right to Vote Will be Upheld by Supreme Court
06/15/2012 Jackson Lee Says Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion With Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children is a Step in the Right Direction