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Maxine Waters' Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 43

Date Title
06/25/2022 Waters Denounces Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade and Deprive Women of Economic Security
08/31/2020 House Investigative Chairs Joint Statement on Court of Appeals Ruling in McGahn Case
07/09/2020 Waters Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG
07/01/2020 Waters Statement on Supreme Court Decision to Curb Consumer Bureau's Independence
05/13/2020 Waters Statement on Oral Arguments Before Supreme Court on Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG
11/13/2019 Ahead of Supreme Court Oral Arguments, Rep. Waters Leads House in Affirming the Civil Rights Act of 1866 & its Section 1981
06/27/2018 Rep. Waters Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Public Sector Unions
03/19/2018 Scott, Waters, Kildee and Ellison Statement on Appeals Court Decision to Vacate Fiduciary Rule
04/21/2017 Waters Applauds Consumer Bureau for Tackling Ocwen's Predatory Loan Practices
02/01/2017 Rep. Waters: Bravo, Sally Yates!
11/21/2016 Waters Praises Settlement Against President-Elect Trump's Phony University
05/05/2016 Waters Lauds CFPB Arbitration Proposal to Protect Consumers
12/10/2015 Congresswoman Waters Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia's Comments in the Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin Supreme Court Case
06/25/2015 Congresswoman Waters' Statement on King v. Burwell
04/27/2015 Congresswoman Waters Comments on Corinthian Colleges Closure
03/06/2015 Brief of 167 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 44 U.S. Senators as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
12/01/2014 Waters: Technical Change to Bankruptcy Code Is Not Go-Ahead to Undo Dodd-Frank
11/14/2014 DOL Announces Hearing on Proposed Waiver of Sanctions on Credit Suisse
06/25/2013 Congresswoman Waters' Statement on Supreme Court's Voting Rights Act Decision
02/27/2013 Congresswoman Waters Supports Protecting Voting Rights for All Americans
06/25/2009 Hearing of the House Financial Services Committee - Legislative Options For Preserving Federally- And State-Assisted Affordable Housing And Preventing Displacement Of Low-Income, Elderly And Disabled Tenants