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John Thune's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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Date Title
07/11/2024 Thune, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Expand Interstate Firearm Sales
07/12/2023 Thune: Regular Order Increases Transparency, Accountability, and Trust in Legislative Process
03/16/2023 Thune, Lankford Introduce Regulatory Reform Bill
12/01/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Wyden, Crapo and Bipartisan Senate Finance Committee Members Raise Concerns about Process to Approve and Implement Indo-Pacific Trade Pact and Other Trade Agreements
04/26/2022 Tweet - Senator Orrin Hatch leaves a legacy of accomplishment & dedicated service. Known in the Senate for his effectiveness, kindness, and humor, he'll be greatly missed. Our country is better off because of his service."
01/20/2022 Thune: Democrats' Arrogance of Power is on Full Display in Crusade to Weaken Minority Party Rights
01/19/2022 Tweet: Democrats didn't think the Senate's 60-vote threshold was so bad last week when they used it to turn their backs on Ukraine and support Putin's pipeline. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
01/19/2022 Tweet: Right now the filibuster is the only thing standing in the way of Democrats passing whatever radical, socialist agenda they want. "Free-everything," Green New Deal-style, debt-exploding bills are on the table. Every American should be watching what Senate Democrats do today.
01/13/2022 Thune: Democrats Continue Their Campaign to Abolish the Filibuster, Break the Senate
01/12/2022 Thune on Fox News: Desperate Democrats Want to Destroy the Senate
01/12/2022 Tweet: Democrats' plan to nuke the filibuster, a lazy shortcut to force through their socialist agenda, would have terrible long-term consequences for our country. All majorities are temporary, and Dems will eventually have to live with the reality they create.
01/11/2022 Tweet: The filibuster is a critically important part of our government. It ensures 3 KEY things: 1. The majority of laws are bipartisan 2. Laws that impact Americans' lives aren't changing every few years 3. Americans w/ representatives in the minority party still have a voice in gov't
01/11/2022 Thune: Democrats Threaten to Change the Rules if They Can't Get Their Way
01/05/2022 Thune: Democrats Want to Change the Rules in the Middle of the Game to Pass Radical Policies
01/04/2022 Tweet: Couldn't have said it better myself, Leader Schumer. These days, @SenSchumer has changed his tune & would gladly bulldoze through historic rules to get his way.
01/04/2022 Tweet: "It'll be a doomsday for democracy." That's how @SenSchumer described eliminating the Senate filibuster when the shoe was on the other foot.
01/04/2022 Thune: Democrats Receive "F" on 2021 Report Card
09/30/2021 Tweet - "Just voted against Tracy Stone-Manning's nomination to lead the @BLMNational . I won't support someone with known ties to eco-terrorism and extremist environmental views to oversee our public lands."
09/13/2021 Tweet - "The Biden admin must be held accountable for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. They left American citizens behind, abandoned our Afghan allies, and left equipment & weapons in enemy hands. Congressional oversight is a must -- Blinken is the first step. We need the full story."
09/09/2021 Tweet - "Great news. Mr. Chipman's extreme views on gun control & his obvious contempt for law-abiding gun owners make him unfit to run @ATFHQ. Clearly, some of my Democrat colleagues agree too."
07/27/2021 Tweet - "My decision to oppose Tracy Stone-Manning's nomination to head the Bureau of Land Management was easy. Our country's public lands shouldn't be managed by an environmental extremist who was involved in a criminal eco-terrorism case & lied about it for years."
07/21/2021 Nomination of David H. Chipman
07/14/2021 Texas
06/22/2021 For the People Act of 2021
04/20/2021 Infrastructure

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