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Carol Miller's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (WV) - District 1

Date Title
03/03/2022 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States - Womack, Lawmakers Urge Biden to End Anti-American Energy Agenda
02/09/2022 Reschenthaler and Colleagues Condemn the Nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin
12/23/2021 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States of America - Crenshaw Calls on Biden to Withdraw New EPA Methane Regulation
12/09/2021 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States of America - Do Not Ban Crude Oil Exports
10/21/2021 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States - As Gas Prices Skyrocket, Graves Again Calls on Biden to Put American Energy First
10/14/2021 Letter to the Hon. Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Cheney & Colleagues Call on Biden to Put American Energy First, Stop Emboldening Bad Actors
10/14/2021 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States - Womack, Lawmakers Call on Biden to Put American Energy First
09/14/2021 Congresswoman Miller Fights to Protect West Virginians from Inflation & Rising Gas Prices in Ways and Means Committee
07/28/2021 RealClear Energy - Why Is the Biden Administration Attacking America's 'Energy Independence?'
01/27/2021 HEAT Members Denounce President Biden's Continued Assault on American Energy Production
01/22/2021 HEAT Members Condemn Biden Administration's 60-Day Ban on Oil and Gas Leases
07/29/2020 McKinley, Miller Introduce Bill to Boost Natural Gas Exports to Strengthen Allies
07/24/2020 Congresswoman Miller Advocates for Securing Our Southern Border, American Energy, and Keeping our Police Funded
07/23/2020 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2021
05/11/2020 Letter to U.S. Department of the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell - Heat Members Request Equal Access to The Main Street Lending Program for All Industries
04/08/2020 Letter to H.R.H. Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia - HEAT Members Urge Saudi Crown Prince to Restore Global Oil Market Stability
04/02/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, President of the United States - Heat Leaders Urge President Trump to Protect American Energy Producers
04/01/2020 Letter to David Bernhardt, Sec. of the Interior - Curtis Leads Letter to Secretary Bernhardt Urging COVID-19 Relief for Rural Utah
09/23/2019 McKinley, Miller, Mooney Introduce Legislation to Promote the Creation of An Appalachian Storage Hub