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Carol Miller's Public Statements on Issue: Federal, State and Local Relations


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (WV) - District 1

Date Title
09/30/2020 Congresswoman Carol Miller Announces $2.5 Million Grant to Improve Water Infrastructure in Kenova
09/28/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $2.8 Million to Repair Roads After Flooding
09/25/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces Grant for Concord University
09/25/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $10 Million for Small Business COVID-19 Relief
09/24/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces Rural Development Grant to City of Princeton
09/21/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $1.3 Million for Huntington Tri-State Airport
09/18/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces Grant for Mason Volunteer Fire Department
09/16/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $1.8 Million for the Coal Mountain Waterline Extension Project
09/15/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces Funding for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
09/11/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces School Safety Grant for Pocahontas County
09/10/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $7.5 Million in CARES Act Funding for Low-Income Housing
05/14/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Congressman Fred Keller Signs Letter Calling for Regulatory Relief to Supercharge COVID-19 Economic Recovery
04/07/2020 West Virginia Delegation Members, Governor Announce $1.5 Million for New Water Line for Piedmont
03/31/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, President of the United States - WV Delegation Sends Letter to President Trump in Support of Governor Justice's Disaster Declaration Request
03/24/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $1.7 Million for Coronavirus Response
03/24/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces Funding for Disaster Relief in West Virginia
03/11/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $5 Million For Coronavirus Response
03/10/2020 Congresswoman Miller Announces $1.4 Million Grant to Camden-On-Gauley Medical Center
02/28/2020 Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019
09/19/2019 Letter to the Hon. Elijah Cummings, Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee - Connolly, Holmes Norton, and other Democrats block testimony from DC councilmember Jack Evans at statehood hearing