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John Barrasso's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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10/13/2021 Tweet - "Inflation is at a 13 year high. Prices keep rising faster than wages. @POTUS has given families in Wyoming a pay cut. Now Democrats want to add another $3.5 trillion to the credit card? Madness."
10/07/2021 Tweet - "Americans are struggling with exploding inflation & spiking gas prices. Instead of releasing oil from our nation's strategic reserve and begging OPEC and Russia for more oil, @POTUS should abandon his irresponsible attempts to end oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters."
10/06/2021 Tweet - "Democrats need to learn their lesson before it is too late. They need to stop raising taxes, cutting into Americans' paychecks, and stop pouring more fuel on the inflation fire that is raging across the country."
10/06/2021 Tweet - "Gas prices are the highest they've been in seven years. Now, @POTUS & the Democrats want to accelerate inflation by spending trillions more AND crush American production of oil and gas. #Bidenflation"
10/05/2021 Tweet - "People are feeling the pain of this administration and inflation. Everybody is paying higher prices today for gas and groceries compared to the day Joe Biden came into office. Inflation will only get worse if the Democrats pass this reckless tax and spending bill."
07/29/2021 Tweet - "If Democrats pass this reckless spending bill Americans will pay more. $5.5T is larger than the economy of Japan - the 3rd largest economy in the world. Prices are going up because Democrats have spent too much already & we will all suffer the consequences of their actions."
12/21/2020 Tweet - "Water infrastructure is critical to every community in our country. The Water Resources Development Act will help grow the economy, cut red tape, and keep communities safe."
07/22/2020 Tweet - "Rising Covid-19 cases are troubling, but that doesn't mean we have to stop reopening responsibly. Americans have made great sacrifices & want to go back to work. We don't want another shutdown & don't want laws from Congress that make it easier to stay closed & harder to reopen."
07/21/2020 Tweet - "We're looking at $1 tril. dollars in new #coronavirus legislation, but we're going to spend this responsibly, unlike @SpeakerPelosi's & @SenSchumer's plans. We need to focus on the disease & helping the economy recover."
07/21/2020 Tweet - ".@SenatorEnzi & I cosponsored a bill to streamline the forgiveness process for #PaycheckProtectionProgram loans under $150,000. #PPP provides small businesses with a critical lifeline, but it's critical we address some of the uncertainty regarding the loan forgiveness process."
07/20/2020 Tweet - "The next #coronavirus bill needs to be a recovery bill, a bridge to a healthier economy. It should be one that @SpeakerPelosi can pass in the House, @senatemajldr can pass in the Senate, & @realDonaldTrump will sign."
07/14/2020 Tweet - "Wrote in @RealClearNews about how a second shutdown from #coronavirus would put the economy back on life support. We can be smart & sensible as we reopen the country. That is the approach we need."
06/18/2020 Tweet - "Getting people back to work is the most important thing to get the economy moving again. If more stimulus spending is needed in mid-July, it needs to be on things like infrastructure, for example the Highway bill, which will create jobs & help the economy"
06/11/2020 Tweet - "A slight rise in #coronavirus cases was expected as people went back to work & back into their communities, but we are ready for this. We have plenty of testing, hospital capacity if needed & breakthrough activities with vaccine development. We are not shutting down again."
06/02/2020 Tweet - "Taking away people's educational opportunities, social supports & livelihoods has a negative impact. We can protect people from #coronavirus & get back to normal life. For the good of society, it's important we reopen now. It's time for America to get back in the saddle again."
05/26/2020 Tweet - "Blue states continue to ask for bailouts from the federal government. This is due to mismanagement of money over decades. Any other #coronavirus bill should give states more flexibility in spending with the money they have already been given, but not provide unfair bailouts."
05/26/2020 Tweet - "Wrote in @FoxNewsOpinion that we can't let the cure for #coronavirus be worse than the disease. We closed America to bend the curve & make sure we had adequate medical resources. We accomplished this in many places. We need to open smartly, safely & soon."
05/26/2020 Tweet "It's time for all of us in America to get back in the saddle again. There are long term health consequences of people being unable to work, & we currently have 39 million Americans out of work. For the sake of the health of the American people, we need to reopen the country."
05/22/2020 Tweet - "Joined @RepLizCheney & @SenatorEnzi in sending a letter today to @SBAGov & @USTreasury pushing for a new, less burdensome process for small businesses seeking #PaycheckProtectionProgram loan forgiveness. #PPP"
05/21/2020 Tweet - "Long term unemployment has many side effects. That's why it's critical the country open & people go back to work. I still favor a pause on spending, but if additional legislation is needed, it must have liability coverage for small business to protect them from unjust lawsuits."
05/18/2020 Tweet - "Americans need a life preserver, but @SpeakerPelosi has thrown them an anvil. Her #coronavirus proposal is pricey, partisan & doesn't help those impacted by Covid-19. This bill is a socialist Democrat dream, & a nightmare for Americans."
05/13/2020 Tweet - "We need to reopen our communities & reopen the economy through targeted, temporary relief that focuses on the impact of #coronavirus. @SpeakerPelosi's bloated & partisan $3 trillion dollar plan is a payout to her liberal constituencies, not a solution to our current crisis."
05/04/2020 Tweet - "There are 30 mil. Americans out of work through no fault of their own, & that's why it is important that the Senate is in session. We can use targeted, temporary, & specifically focused legislation to help those impacted by #coronavirus."
04/22/2020 Tweet - ".@realDonaldTrump's leadership helped secure another $320 bil for small businesses that will save middle class paychecks. His phased plan for reopening will get Americans safely back to work. The House should pass the #PPP bill without delay so @POTUS can sign it into law ASAP."
04/19/2020 Tweet - "It's time to reopen America and do it in a smart way. Everyone in this country has been impacted by #coronavirus, and the way to help Americans through this crisis is additional funding to the #PaycheckProtectionProgram."

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