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John Barrasso's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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Date Title
12/05/2022 Tweet - "Joined @SenatorRisch in writing on @FoxNews on how @POTUS ' Venezuela giveaway funds dictatorship and hurts U.S. energy producers and consumers."
12/02/2022 Tweet - "Good luck to Team Wyoming as they compete in this year's Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. They always make the Cowboy State proud. #GoWyo @LasVegasNFR #WranglerNFR #NFR2022"
12/01/2022 Tweet - "Joined @SenatorLujan and 16 other senators in a bipartisan letter to the Secretaries of the U.S. Departments of Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce about the need to expand high-speed internet access in rural communities."
11/30/2022 Tweet - "If there's a rail strike it'll send shockwaves through the economy and the supply chain. People are still reeling under high energy costs due to the Biden administration. We need affordable energy, and a rail strike would only make energy prices worse."
11/29/2022 Tweet - "There is a vast gap between energy and economic reality - and @JoeBiden 's wishful thinking on energy and that vast gap continues to grow. @POTUS & his climate crazy globalist John Kerry continue to do great damage to our country, economy, and our national security."
11/24/2022 Tweet - "Wyoming is grateful for the brave men & women who serve our country. Right now, we have service members from across Wyoming serving 16 time zones away in Okinawa, Japan. It was an honor to share #Thanksgiving with them & let them know everyone at home is thinking of them."
11/20/2022 Tweet -"People want affordable energy. The inflation we are seeing now is caused by government spending and the Biden Administration's energy policies. This is driving up the cost for production of food and will only continue to add to the problem."
11/19/2022 Tweet - "The WY GOP Legislative Caucus hosted its annual breakfast and meeting in the Thyra Thomson State Office Building this morning. While welcoming new members, the group highlighted the legacy of Wyoming and outlined goals for the upcoming General Session."
11/16/2022 Tweet - "Since 2014, Worland's Randy Durr has brought AP history students annually to visit the U.S. Capitol. This year is bittersweet as it's Randy's last year of teaching. Thank you Randy for being such a dedicated teacher & creating wonderful experiences for so many Wyoming students."
11/15/2022 Tweet - "The American people want us to find solutions to their problems, even if @POTUS isn't going to change a thing. In talking to the people of Wyoming, we need to continue to focus on affordability, getting prices down, energy independence, and getting the border closed."
11/12/2022 Tweet - "For 103 years, the WY Farm Bureau Federation has worked to develop agricultural resources, programs, policy, and services to enhance the rural lifestyles of WY farmers & ranchers. Great to visit with @WYFarmBureau members at their annual convention in Casper."
11/11/2022 Tweet - "Today and every day, we honor our veterans who put their lives on the line to keep America safe and free. Thank you to all who have served. #VeteransDay"
11/11/2022 Tweet - "U.S. Marine Leo Sanchez was a lifelong veteran advocate for the state of Wyoming. It was an honor to join @GovernorGordon and the WYMD in Evansville to dedicate this bridge in Leo's honor and memorialize his decades of service helping fellow Wyoming veterans."
11/11/2022 Tweet - "Students at Casper's CY Middle School and Dean Morgan Middle School both hosted Veterans Day celebrations. It's encouraging to see these dedicated students honor our heroes and all who bravely answered the call to serve our nation."
11/11/2022 Tweet - "No one kicks off #VeteransDay quite like Douglas with their sunrise and flag raising ceremony. It's a fitting tribute to all who have served. Thank you to American Legion Post #8 for the early morning breakfast."
11/10/2022 Tweet - "Everyday life is too expensive in Wyoming and across the country. Costs remain at a 40-year high because of wasteful Washington spending and a war on American energy led by @JoeBiden . It's time for Democrats to work with us to help American families."
11/10/2022 Tweet - "The Kiwanis Club of Casper is no stranger to giving back to the community. It was wonderful to join their lunch meeting today and to hear about upcoming service projects heading into the winter season."
11/07/2022 Tweet - "Wyoming is the coal capital of the United States. I know many of these workers. They are unbelievably hard-working people who keep the lights on for the American public. This administration has been at war with all of them."
11/05/2022 Tweet - "The Cowboys Against Cancer 26th Annual Benefit and Banquet in Rock Springs celebrated a sell-out crowd to raise funds to support community members with cancer treatment costs. It's so great to see the entire community come together for such a great cause."
11/03/2022 Tweet - "The gov't spending Democrats are proposing will not help the great majority of Americans because it won't do anything to bring down the cost of American energy. We have affordable, available, reliable energy here in the ground, but climate-crazy Democrats want to keep it there."
11/02/2022 Tweet - "Voters have been pleading for help from this Democrat administration on inflation, crime, and a lawless Southern Border. @JoeBiden is giving another mumbling speech about anything but America's priorities. @POTUS has no plan for the pain he helped cause."
11/02/2022 Tweet - ". @POTUS and the Democrats declared war on American energy on day one and Americans have been paying a very high price for this ever since. @JoeBiden is overwhelmed, ineffective, and desperate. It makes you want to take down the presidential seal and put up a help wanted sign."
10/30/2022 ". @POTUS ' greatest sin is giving up American energy independence. He and the Democrats do exactly what the climate extremists tell them to do. We are in an energy war, and the president doesn't want to admit it."
10/28/2022 Tweet - "Wrote in @Newsweek on how it's time to end China's "developing country" advantage. In this rigged system, the U.S. & other wealthy Western nations are expected to do all the heavy lifting, while China gets a free ride."
10/27/2022 Tweet - "Too many families are falling further behind and feel stressed about the future because of Democrats' weak economy and record-high prices. Republicans are united in undoing the Democrats' failed economic policies and growing our economy once again."

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