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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

Date Title
08/04/2017 Sen. Murray Celebrates America's Diversity and Honors Military Service at Naturalization Ceremony Aboard the USS Anchorage, Docked in Seattle
03/08/2016 Immigration: Sen. Murray Announces SCOTUS Amicus Brief to Show Support for DAPA and DACA+
12/18/2010 Murray Pushes for DREAM Act; Legislation Blocked by Senate Republicans
04/23/2007 Statement of Senator Patty Murray on the Supplemental Conference
07/13/2006 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007
06/29/2006 Senate Appropriations Committee Passes Murray Sponsored Amendment to Delay Implementation of Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
05/25/2006 Immigration: Senator Murray's Statement on Passage of Senate Immigration Reform Bill
05/17/2006 Senate Approves Amendment to Delay Border-Crossign Requirements
05/15/2006 Murray Response to President's Immigration Address
03/30/2006 Immigration: Remarks by Senator Patty Murray on the floor of the U.S. Senate on Her Principles for Immigration Reform
03/30/2006 Securing America's Borders Act
03/15/2006 Congressional Budget for the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2007
03/07/2006 Senators Call on Chertoff to Explain ICE's Refusal to Disavow Enforcement Practice that Undermines Workplace Protections
05/10/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief Act, 2005--Conference Report--Continued
05/10/2005 Senator Murray Supports Funding for America's Troops But is Troubled by Immigration Provisions and Lack of Veterans Funding in Emergency Supplemental
12/08/2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 - Conference Report
08/20/2004 Murray Launches New Bellingham Air Wing to Improve Security at the Northern Border
04/06/2004 Murray to Ridge: Help Our Local Communities Work with You
03/30/2004 Hearing - Fiscal Year Appropriations for Border Security and Enforcement and Immigration Services
09/04/2003 Letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge
03/06/2003 Murray Asks Why Port Security Funding is Still in Washington, DC Instead of Washington State
02/24/2003 Homeland Security Op-ed: "The 'Front Lines' Need Help With The Bottom Line"
01/20/2003 Remembering Dr. King's Struggle, Murray Calls for Unity to Overcome Challenges