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Hakeem Jeffries' Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 8

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12/28/2021 Tweet - "Wages are up, unemployment is down and millions of good-paying jobs have been created during President Biden's first year. FACTS."
12/22/2021 Tweet - "Never give up. Build. Back. Better."
12/20/2021 Tweet - "The Build Back Better act is not dead. We always live to fight another day."
12/17/2021 Tweet - "The Build Back Better act will cut the price of insulin from approximately $4000 a year. To $35 per month. Pass. The. Bill."
12/15/2021 Tweet - "The United States will not default on its debt for the first time in history. Democrats deliver."
12/12/2021 Tweet - "The Build Back Better act will lower costs and address inflation for everyday Americans. It's time to send this bill to President Biden's desk."
12/11/2021 Tweet - "We are fighting hard to pass the Build Back Better act because Democrats are the party of opportunity."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "The Biden Child Tax Credit expires this month. Dems are fighting to renew this critical support for families with children. Why are Republicans trying to stop us?"
10/12/2021 Tweet - "Heading back to DC to stop Republicans from crashing the economy."
10/08/2021 Tweet - "The Build Back Better Act will create economic opportunity in every single zip code."
12/20/2020 Tweet - "House Dems passed the Heroes Act 219 days ago."
08/10/2020 Tweet - "Trump's so-called executive order cruelly cuts emergency unemployment benefits. By $800 per month. With more than 30 million Americans collecting unemployment in the midst of a pandemic. House Dems continue to fight #ForThePeople. We. Will. Prevail."
08/08/2020 Tweet - "There is only one job opening. For every five Americans currently looking for work. Why don't Republicans believe the $600 emergency unemployment insurance benefit should continue? Outrageous. There are NO jobs to go back to."
08/06/2020 Tweet - "Republicans exploded the debt by $2 trillion. When they passed the #GOPTaxScam. 83% of the benefits went to the wealthiest 1%. And now they want to lecture America during a pandemic about fiscal restraint? Pipe. Down."
08/03/2020 Tweet - "Emergency unemployment insurance benefits have expired. The economy is in recession. Things are getting worse for everyday Americans. What is wrong with Senate Republicans? Do. Your. Job."
08/01/2020 Tweet - "50 million Americans have lost work. The economy is in recession. Hunger is on the rise throughout the land. Trump and Senate Republicans continue to fail America. Pass. The. Heroes. Act. Now."
07/31/2020 Tweet - "Emergency unemployment insurance benefits expire today. Senate Republicans need to address this critical issue. Instead they want blanket liability protection for multinational corporations. Get. Serious. Mitch."
07/29/2020 Tweet - "Emergency Unemployment Benefits expire in two days. Instead of extending them. Republicans want to cut benefits by $400 per week. In the middle of a recession. Get. Lost."
07/09/2020 Tweet - "More than 3 million Americans infected by the coronavirus. Over 50 million workers newly unemployed. State budgets are collapsing throughout the country. Now would be a good time for the Senate to pass the #HeroesAct."
07/05/2020 Tweet - "July 4th weekend. A lot of talk about taxation without representation. Now would be a good time to make Washington, DC a state."
07/02/2020 Tweet - "House passes $1.5 trillion infrastructure package. It will create millions of good-paying jobs throughout America. And help rebuild our economy. #ForThePeople"
06/14/2020 Tweet - "40 million newly unemployed Americans. The economy in recession. Food lines throughout the nation. Pass. The. Heroes. Act."
05/26/2020 Tweet - "Police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, EMS, transit & teachers are essential. More public employees were laid off in April than during the entire Great Recession. McConnell wants states to declare bankruptcy. #HeroesAct will keep essential workers employed. Pass. The. Bill."
05/18/2020 Tweet - "$1200 Direct Stimulus payments to everyday Americans (Special Character) $10,000 hazard pay increase for essential workers (Special Characters) $175 billion in assistance for renters and homeowners (Special Character) $875 billion to support state and local governments (Special Character) Pass. The. Heroes. Act. Now."
05/16/2020 Tweet - "There is pain. There is suffering. There is death throughout the land. Congress must respond with the fierce urgency of now. House Dems have passed the #HeroesAct to support essential workers and everyday Americans. Time for Mitch to #DoYourJob."

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