Senate Democrats Release List Of Over 100 Oversight Letters President Trump Refuses To Answer


In recognition of Sunshine Week, a nationwide initiative to promote openness and transparency in government, the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee today released a compilation of over 100 oversight letters the Trump Administration has refused to answer in response to congressional inquiries. Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Chair, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), joined Senators Patty Murray (D-WA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and called on President Trump to take steps to ensure greater transparency throughout his administration.

"President Trump made a promise to families in Michigan and across the country that he would create jobs and grow the economy," said Senator Stabenow, Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communication Committee. "Yet since he took office, his administration has failed to respond to over 100 critical requests for information about how President Trump will achieve those goals. The public has a right to know whether President Trump is keeping his promise and I call on the White House to ensure greater transparency."

"Sometimes silence speaks louder than words, and it's not too surprising that President Trump is refusing to defend his broken campaign promises and all of the ways he is hurting the middle class and helping millionaires and billionaires," said Senator Patty Murray. "Families across the country have sent a very clear message that they are appalled at what President Trump is doing--and Democrats are going to stand with these families and do everything we can to push for transparency and hold President Trump accountable."

"Shedding light on our government is more important today than it has been in recent memory," said Senator Wyden. "Burying science, hiding facts and spewing misinformation from the mouthpiece of the executive branch erodes the public's trust in government and makes Americans less safe. Americans deserve a transparent government they know is working for them, not serving special interests. I will never stop working to bring sunshine to the dark corners of this administration."

"A dark cloak of secrecy has fallen over this Administration," said Senator Whitehouse. "Lobbyists and industry front men played big roles in the transition, and are now running the government. President Trump would prefer the American people not know who these people are and what they are doing. We've seen this movie before, and the ending is never good for middle-class Americans who expect their government to work for them, not for the powerful and well-connected."

"People are worried about whether Trump and his team and working for the American people or just working to make themselves richer," said Senator Warren. "Trump and his team have extensive conflicts of interest, and Trump has issued multiple illegal and unconstitutional executive orders. President Trump and his advisers should stop hiding and start answering to the American people."

Senate Democrats have sent over 100 letters seeking answers to critical questions on issues as diverse as Russia's interference in the 2016 elections, President Trump's conflicts of interest, and the controversial Executive Orders banning visitors from several Muslim-majority countries. Letters also seeks answers regarding health care, jobs, and the environment.
