Letter to the Honorable Tom Cole, Chairman, and the Honorable Rosa DeLauro, Ranking Member of House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and related Agencies - Increased Education Funding for Teacher Quality Programs


Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego), a senior member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and Ranking Member of the Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee, is leading efforts to boost education funding. Davis led a number of letters on teacher quality, helping high school students prepare for higher education, protecting funding for schools impacted by tax-exempt federal property, and school leadership.

"Education funding is an investment in our nation's greatest resource -- its people," said Rep. Davis. "These proven programs ensure that our students succeed in school so they can succeed in the workforce and in our economy. Without this funding, we put our students and economy at risk."

Davis's letters on education funding are addressed to the Chair and Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee that will be making education investment decisions for fiscal year 2019.

Davis led the call for $2.3 billion to invest in professional development activities for teacher development and principal leadership. These teacher quality investments also target the nation's poorest schools. The letter notes that providing "funds to invest in principal leadership, and support and job-embedded professional learning opportunities for teachers -- all evidence-based strategies that will lead to improved student outcomes."

GEAR UP programs provide a critical investment in preparing high school students for higher education. "At a time where 65% of jobs will require some postsecondary training, ensuring that students are prepared for and succeed in higher education is essential for our nation's economic, civic, and social wellbeing," the letter states. It asks for $375 million for GEAR UP.

In a letter to appropriators, Davis and 103 of her House colleagues urge robust funding for Impact Aid. Impact Aid is revenue schools receive to make up for lost funding from tax-exempt federal property. With a significant military presence in the San Diego region, many schools in San Diego rely on Impact Aid funding.

"For districts enrolling military children, the ability to address both the academic and emotional needs of these students must be maintained," the members wrote. "Education is a quality-of-life issue for military families, and it is our firm belief that as military personnel defend our country we must not forget or ignore the children they leave behind."

Davis also spearheaded a letter to include $14.5 million for school leadership. According to the letter, "through this program, aspiring principals gain access to high-quality preparation programs, sitting principals receive critical professional development supports, and thousands of teachers -- along with hundreds of thousands of students -- work and learn in schools in which the leadership has the tools to help them maximize their potential."

Davis's Education Letters:

Teacher Quality Programs

GEAR UP Programs

Impact Aid

School Leadership Recruitment and Support Program
