Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
Feb. 2, 2015 Congressman Becerra: President Obama's Budget Proposal Rewards Hard Work Xavier Becerra
Feb. 3, 2015 Congressman Becerra: "Republicans are not Serious about Commonsense Immigration Reform" Xavier Becerra
Feb. 17, 2015 Congress Becerra: "The Human Spirit Will Prevail" Xavier Becerra
June 3, 2007 CNN: New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Pres. Joe Biden, ...
Sept. 5, 2020 Tweet - "Nicaraguan asylum seekers fleeing oppression deserve to have their cases heard. Instead, they're being deported back into the tyrannical grip of Daniel Ortega without a chance to pursue their claims. President Trump's cruelty truly knows no bounds." Pres. Joe Biden
March 14, 2014 Remarks by President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Prime Minister Kenny of Ireland at St. Patrick's Day Reception Pres. Joe Biden, ...
Nov. 17, 2005 Biden Encourages Increased Friendship and Commerce Between U.S. and South Korea Pres. Joe Biden
July 28, 2020 Statement from Joe Biden on Donald Trump's Shameless Repeal of DACA Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 7, 2014 CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Immigration Reform Pres. Joe Biden
June 20, 2020 Statement from Joe Biden on World Refugee Day Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 16, 2020 Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on Senate Republicans Blocking Tps for Venezuelans Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 20, 2013 Remarks to the Press by Vice President Joe Biden and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto Pres. Joe Biden
June 18, 2020 Tweet - "Here's my promise to you: On day one, I'll send a bill to Congress that creates a clear roadmap to citizenship for Dreamers and 11 million undocumented people who are already strengthening our nation. It's long overdue." Pres. Joe Biden
March 13, 2007 Remarks by Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) at the Congressional City Conference of the League of Cities Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 9, 2007 Times-Republican - Biden Wants to Restore Nation's Credibility Throughout the World Pres. Joe Biden
June 18, 2020 Tweet - "The Supreme Court's ruling today is a victory made possible by the courage and resilience of hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients who bravely stood up and refused to be ignored. And as President, I will get to work immediately to make it permanent." Pres. Joe Biden
June 18, 2020 Tweet - "Dreamers are Americans. Period." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 14, 2020 CNN/Des Moines Register January Democratic Debate Pres. Joe Biden, ...
March 15, 2020 CNN Democratic Presidential Primary Debate March Pres. Joe Biden, ...
June 27, 2020 Tweet - "Children should be released from ICE detention with their parents immediately. This is pretty simple, and I can't believe I have to say it: Families belong together." Pres. Joe Biden
Nov. 24, 2003 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions-S 1949 Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 15, 2020 Tweet - "As we celebrate the Independence Day of Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, we must affirm the democratic aspirations and human rights of people across Latin America. I'll always fight for democracy and for those who come to America seeking a better life." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Executive Order on the Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Proclamation on the Termination Of Emergency With Respect To The Southern Border Of The United States And Redirection Of Funds Diverted To Border Wall Construction Pres. Joe Biden
May 21, 2007 U.N. Media Stakeout with Senators Joe Biden (D-DE), Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Bob Corker (R-TN) Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 15, 2007 KTIV - NBC - Biden Stumps Through Siouxland Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 4, 2007 Transcript: NPR Democratic Candidates' Debate Pres. Joe Biden, ...
Oct. 21, 2020 The Trump Administration's Separation of Children and Parents at The Border -- Statement by Vice President Joe Biden Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 22, 2020 Tweet - "Kids were ripped from their parents' arms, and now they can't find their parents. Those kids are alone. With nowhere to go. It's criminal." Pres. Joe Biden
May 25, 2006 Biden Votes for Senate Passage of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Pres. Joe Biden
Nov. 11, 2019 Former VP and Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Speaks at a Town Hall Pres. Joe Biden
July 13, 2019 Tweet - "President Trump's ICE raids are inhumane. His scare tactics solve nothing. We shouldn't be terrorizing communities and splitting up families. We should provide a pathway to citizenship and find a lasting solution." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 11, 2007 Cost Estimate of S. 966 Pres. Joe Biden
June 8, 2005 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 20, 2020 Tweet - "America is a nation that values immigrants. It is and has always been one of our greatest strengths. We need a president who understands that." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 22, 2020 Nashville, TN Presidential Debate Pres. Joe Biden, ...
Nov. 2, 2020 Tweet - "Dreamers are Americans -- and it's time we make it official." Pres. Joe Biden
July 3, 2019 Tweet - "DREAMers--young people who came to the U.S. as children--are Americans. They don't deserve to sit in limbo as the Supreme Court decides whether President Trump can end the Obama-Biden DACA policy. Congress should act now to give them a path to citizenship." Pres. Joe Biden
July 5, 2019 CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Interview with former Vice-President Joe Biden Pres. Joe Biden
June 7, 2007 Sen. Biden Issues Statement on the Immigration Bill Roadblock Pres. Joe Biden
July 31, 2019 CNN Democratic Party Presidential Debate Day 2 Pres. Joe Biden, ...
June 16, 2019 Tweet - "7 years ago, @BarackObama and I offered security to DREAMers, young people brought here as kids who only know America as home. Trump is trying to break our country's promise to them & continues to threaten their status. DREAMers are Americans. It's time we kept our word to them." Pres. Joe Biden
May 31, 2007 Fort Dodge Messenger: Biden Opposes War, Voted Funding to Protect Troops Pres. Joe Biden
June 20, 2014 Remarks to the Press with Q&A by Vice President Joe Biden in Guatemala Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 21, 2007 Nevada Appeal: Biden Denounces War During Visit to Capitol Pres. Joe Biden
July 13, 2019 Tweet - "President Trump's ICE raids are inhumane. His scare tactics solve nothing. We shouldn't be terrorizing communities and splitting up families. We should provide a pathway to citizenship and find a lasting solution." Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 19, 2019 PBS December Democratic Debate Pres. Joe Biden, ...
Nov. 12, 2020 Readout of President-elect Biden's Call with His Holiness Pope Francis Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Reinstating Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Pres. Joe Biden
Date Title Politician
Feb. 2, 2015 Congressman Becerra: President Obama's Budget Proposal Rewards Hard Work Xavier Becerra
Feb. 3, 2015 Congressman Becerra: "Republicans are not Serious about Commonsense Immigration Reform" Xavier Becerra
Feb. 17, 2015 Congress Becerra: "The Human Spirit Will Prevail" Xavier Becerra
June 3, 2007 CNN: New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Pres.Joe Biden, ...
Sept. 5, 2020 Tweet - "Nicaraguan asylum seekers fleeing oppression deserve to have their cases heard. Instead, they're being deported back into the tyrannical grip of Daniel Ortega without a chance to pursue their claims. President Trump's cruelty truly knows no bounds." Pres.Joe Biden
March 14, 2014 Remarks by President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Prime Minister Kenny of Ireland at St. Patrick's Day Reception Pres.Joe Biden, ...
Nov. 17, 2005 Biden Encourages Increased Friendship and Commerce Between U.S. and South Korea Pres.Joe Biden
July 28, 2020 Statement from Joe Biden on Donald Trump's Shameless Repeal of DACA Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 7, 2014 CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Immigration Reform Pres.Joe Biden
June 20, 2020 Statement from Joe Biden on World Refugee Day Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 16, 2020 Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on Senate Republicans Blocking Tps for Venezuelans Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 20, 2013 Remarks to the Press by Vice President Joe Biden and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto Pres.Joe Biden
June 18, 2020 Tweet - "Here's my promise to you: On day one, I'll send a bill to Congress that creates a clear roadmap to citizenship for Dreamers and 11 million undocumented people who are already strengthening our nation. It's long overdue." Pres.Joe Biden
March 13, 2007 Remarks by Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) at the Congressional City Conference of the League of Cities Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 9, 2007 Times-Republican - Biden Wants to Restore Nation's Credibility Throughout the World Pres.Joe Biden
June 18, 2020 Tweet - "The Supreme Court's ruling today is a victory made possible by the courage and resilience of hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients who bravely stood up and refused to be ignored. And as President, I will get to work immediately to make it permanent." Pres.Joe Biden
June 18, 2020 Tweet - "Dreamers are Americans. Period." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 14, 2020 CNN/Des Moines Register January Democratic Debate Pres.Joe Biden, ...
March 15, 2020 CNN Democratic Presidential Primary Debate March Pres.Joe Biden, ...
June 27, 2020 Tweet - "Children should be released from ICE detention with their parents immediately. This is pretty simple, and I can't believe I have to say it: Families belong together." Pres.Joe Biden
Nov. 24, 2003 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions-S 1949 Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 15, 2020 Tweet - "As we celebrate the Independence Day of Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, we must affirm the democratic aspirations and human rights of people across Latin America. I'll always fight for democracy and for those who come to America seeking a better life." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Executive Order on the Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Proclamation on the Termination Of Emergency With Respect To The Southern Border Of The United States And Redirection Of Funds Diverted To Border Wall Construction Pres.Joe Biden
May 21, 2007 U.N. Media Stakeout with Senators Joe Biden (D-DE), Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Bob Corker (R-TN) Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 15, 2007 KTIV - NBC - Biden Stumps Through Siouxland Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 4, 2007 Transcript: NPR Democratic Candidates' Debate Pres.Joe Biden, ...
Oct. 21, 2020 The Trump Administration's Separation of Children and Parents at The Border -- Statement by Vice President Joe Biden Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 22, 2020 Tweet - "Kids were ripped from their parents' arms, and now they can't find their parents. Those kids are alone. With nowhere to go. It's criminal." Pres.Joe Biden
May 25, 2006 Biden Votes for Senate Passage of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Pres.Joe Biden
Nov. 11, 2019 Former VP and Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Speaks at a Town Hall Pres.Joe Biden
July 13, 2019 Tweet - "President Trump's ICE raids are inhumane. His scare tactics solve nothing. We shouldn't be terrorizing communities and splitting up families. We should provide a pathway to citizenship and find a lasting solution." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 11, 2007 Cost Estimate of S. 966 Pres.Joe Biden
June 8, 2005 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 20, 2020 Tweet - "America is a nation that values immigrants. It is and has always been one of our greatest strengths. We need a president who understands that." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 22, 2020 Nashville, TN Presidential Debate Pres.Joe Biden, ...
Nov. 2, 2020 Tweet - "Dreamers are Americans -- and it's time we make it official." Pres.Joe Biden
July 3, 2019 Tweet - "DREAMers--young people who came to the U.S. as children--are Americans. They don't deserve to sit in limbo as the Supreme Court decides whether President Trump can end the Obama-Biden DACA policy. Congress should act now to give them a path to citizenship." Pres.Joe Biden
July 5, 2019 CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Interview with former Vice-President Joe Biden Pres.Joe Biden
June 7, 2007 Sen. Biden Issues Statement on the Immigration Bill Roadblock Pres.Joe Biden
July 31, 2019 CNN Democratic Party Presidential Debate Day 2 Pres.Joe Biden, ...
June 16, 2019 Tweet - "7 years ago, @BarackObama and I offered security to DREAMers, young people brought here as kids who only know America as home. Trump is trying to break our country's promise to them & continues to threaten their status. DREAMers are Americans. It's time we kept our word to them." Pres.Joe Biden
May 31, 2007 Fort Dodge Messenger: Biden Opposes War, Voted Funding to Protect Troops Pres.Joe Biden
June 20, 2014 Remarks to the Press with Q&A by Vice President Joe Biden in Guatemala Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 21, 2007 Nevada Appeal: Biden Denounces War During Visit to Capitol Pres.Joe Biden
July 13, 2019 Tweet - "President Trump's ICE raids are inhumane. His scare tactics solve nothing. We shouldn't be terrorizing communities and splitting up families. We should provide a pathway to citizenship and find a lasting solution." Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 19, 2019 PBS December Democratic Debate Pres.Joe Biden, ...
Nov. 12, 2020 Readout of President-elect Biden's Call with His Holiness Pope Francis Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Reinstating Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Pres.Joe Biden