Key Votes


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Vote Smart provides easy access to congressional and state voting records and maintains a collection of key votes grouped by issue. Vote Smart uses the following criteria to select key votes:

  1. The vote should be helpful in portraying how a member stands on a particular issue
  2. The vote should be clear for any person to understand
  3. The vote has received media attention
  4. The vote was passed or defeated by a very close margin
  5. Occasionally, if a specific bill is consistently inquired about on the Voter's Research Hotline, the vote will be added

Vote Smart provides a summary of the version of the bill text associated with each selected key vote. Our summaries are written by Vote Smart's staff and interns, who adhere to our strict policies and procedures in order to guarantee absolute impartiality and accuracy. They do not necessarily reflect the content of the final version of the bill, but rather the version voted on in that stage. While many procedural votes take place before a full chamber vote, our voting stages reflect the final reading of each chamber vote. Each key vote selection is reviewed by the project's community of advisors, who are political scientists and journalists from all fifty states.

For more information about the legislative process, see here.

results per page:
Date State Bill No. Title Outcome
Feb. 12, 2016 VA HB 1348 Prohibits Smoking in a Car with Minors Bill Passed - House (59 - 38)
Feb. 9, 2016 VA SB 705 Requires Sanctuary Cities to be Liable for Damages Caused by Undocumented Immigrant Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Feb. 12, 2016 VA SB 41 Prohibits State from Requiring Religious Organizations to Solemnize Certain Marriages Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 19)
Feb. 10, 2016 VA HB 815 Amends Death Penalty Procedures Bill Passed - House (62 - 33)
Feb. 16, 2016 VA HB 389 Establishes School Choice Program for Children with Disabilities Bill Passed - House (53 - 46)
Feb. 16, 2016 VA SB 416 Authorizes Individuals to Rent Out Rooms through Online Platform Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 19)
Feb. 15, 2016 VA SB 552 Exempts Police Officer Names from Mandatory Disclosure Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 15)
Feb. 8, 2016 VA SB 646 Establishes Regulations for Fantasy Sports Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 10)
Feb. 3, 2016 VA HB 766 Authorizes Individual with Restraining Order to Carry Concealed Gun without Permit Bill Passed - House (68 - 29)
Feb. 2, 2016 VA SB 117 Prohibits Opening Car Door in Traffic Lane Bill Passed - Senate (24 - 16)
Feb. 16, 2016 VA HB 1090 Rescinds Funds from Certain Abortion Clinics Bill Passed - House (64 - 35)
Jan. 25, 2016 VA SB 335 Prohibits State Employers From Inquiring about an Applicant's Criminal History Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 15)
Feb. 15, 2016 VA HB 1234 Authorizes School Security Officers to Carry Firearms Bill Passed - House (66 - 33)
Feb. 16, 2016 VA HB 773 Prohibits Discrimination Based on Certain Religious Beliefs Bill Passed - House (56 - 41)
Feb. 10, 2016 VA HB 1371 Prohibits Cities from Increasing Minimum Wage or Benefits Bill Passed - House (65 - 34)
Feb. 3, 2015 VA SB 785 Prohibits Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity Bill Passed - Senate (19 - 19)
Feb. 4, 2016 VA SB 610 Authorizes Concealed Carry Reciprocity for Out-of-State License Holders Bill Passed - Senate (27 - 13)
Jan. 24, 2017 VA HB 1578 Authorizes Home-schooled Students to Participate in Public School Sports Bill Passed - House (60 - 38)
Feb. 6, 2017 VA SB 1262 Requires Sanctuary Cities to be Liable for Civil Damages Caused by Undocumented Immigrants Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Feb. 7, 2017 VA HB 2264 Prohibits State Funding of Abortion Services Bill Passed - House (60 - 33)
Feb. 7, 2017 VA HB 2000 Prohibits Establishment of Sanctuary Cities Bill Passed - House (63 - 33)
Feb. 5, 2019 VA HB 1811 Prohibits Texting While Driving Bill Passed - House (69 - 27)
Jan. 22, 2019 VA SB 1012 Amends Conceal Carry Regulations Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Feb. 9, 2018 VA SB 966 Amends Various Utilities Regulations Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 13)
Jan. 29, 2018 VA SB 192 Authorizes State to Deduct Previous TANF Benefits from Lottery Winnings Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Feb. 5, 2018 VA SB 168 Reduces Penalties for Minors Charged with Sexting Offenses Bill Passed - Senate (35 - 5)
Feb. 13, 2018 VA HB 1257 Prohibits the Establishment of Sanctuary Cities Bill Passed - House (51 - 49)
Feb. 5, 2019 VA HB 2384 Prohibits Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Products at Public Schools Bill Passed - House (83 - 15)
Feb. 4, 2019 VA SB 1502 Requires School Boards to Offer Classes on the Bible Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 18)
Jan. 29, 2020 VA HB 119 Requires Milk be Defined as the Lacteal Secretion Obtained by the Complete Milking of a Hooved Animal Bill Passed - House (66 - 32)
Aug. 26, 2020 VA SB 5032 Repeals the 6-Month Mandatory Minimum Requirement for Assaulting Law Enforcement Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 15)
Aug. 28, 2020 VA SB 5120 Appropriates Funds to Provide Prepaid Postage on Absentee Ballots for the General Election Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 16)
Aug. 28, 2020 VA HB 5029 Establishes a Felony Charge for Officers that Fail to Intervene When Witnessing Unlawful Deadly Force Bill Passed - House (55 - 42)
Sept. 4, 2020 VA HB 5099 Prohibits No-Knock Search Warrants Bill Passed - House (56 - 41)
Sept. 10, 2020 VA HB 5049 Prohibits the Acquisition and Use of Military Property by Law Enforcement Agencies Bill Passed - House (54 - 42)
Sept. 10, 2020 VA HB 5116 Requires Public and Private Employers to Provide Paid Quarantine Leave Bill Passed - House (54 - 44)
Sept. 10, 2020 VA SB 5024 Authorizes the Attorney General to File a Civil Suit or Inquire into Law Enforcement Engaging in Unlawful Practices Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
Sept. 4, 2020 VA HB 5098 Increases Penalty for Filing a False Police Report Bill Passed - House (55 - 43)
Sept. 10, 2020 VA SB 5030 Establishes and Amends Various Provisions Relating to Law Enforcement Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Sept. 9, 2020 VA HB 5146 Establishes a Process for Automatic Expungement of Criminal Records for Certain Convictions Bill Passed - House (59 - 37)
Sept. 4, 2020 VA HB 5104 Increases Employment Assessment and Review Requirements for Law Enforcement Hiring Bill Passed - House (54 - 42)
Sept. 10, 2020 VA HB 5148 Establishes a 4-Level Earned Sentence Credit Classification System Bill Passed - House (54 - 41)
Aug. 28, 2020 VA SB 5029 Prohibits Search and Seizure Based Solely on the Odor of Marijuana Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 14)
Sept. 4, 2020 VA HB 5069 Prohibits Use of Chokeholds by Law Enforcement Officers Bill Passed - House (55 - 43)
Jan. 22, 2020 VA SB 240 Authorizes Temporary Seizure of Guns from Persons Posing Substantial Risk Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Jan. 15, 2020 VA SJ 1 Establishes an Amendment to the US Constitution Relating to Equal Rights Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 12)
Jan. 16, 2020 VA SB 35 Authorizes Localities to Prohibit Guns at Public Events Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Jan. 16, 2020 VA SB 69 Prohibits Purchasing more than One Handgun per Month Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Jan. 16, 2020 VA SB 70 Requires Background Check for Firearm Transfers Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 17)
Sept. 10, 2020 VA SB 5007 Authorizes Defendants to Be Sentenced by a Judge Rather Than a Jury Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 18)
Sept. 9, 2020 VA SB 5012 Requires Individual Votes of Virginia Parole Board Members to be Public Records Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 10)
Jan. 22, 2020 VA SB 318 Reduces Number of Balloons that Can be Released per Hour Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 15)
Jan. 27, 2020 VA HB 10 Establishes Rules for Student Loan Lenders Bill Passed - House (84 - 15)
Feb. 11, 2020 VA HB 177 Requires Virginia to Elect the President by National Popular Vote Bill Passed - House (51 - 46)
Feb. 5, 2020 VA HB 874 Prohibits Handheld Phone Use While Driving Bill Passed - House (72 - 24)
Feb. 6, 2020 VA HB 262 Prohibits Law Enforcement Questioning of an Individual's Immigration Status Bill Passed - House (57 - 42)
Feb. 4, 2020 VA SB 65 Repeals State Photo Identification Voter ID Laws Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 19)
Feb. 6, 2020 VA HB 582 Amends State Collective Bargaining Laws Relating to Right to Work Protections Bill Passed - House (54 - 45)
Feb. 6, 2020 VA HB 1663 Prohibits LGBTQ Discrimination Bill Passed - House (59 - 35)
Feb. 6, 2020 VA HB 220 Requires Prepaid Postage on All Absentee Ballots Bill Passed - House (60 - 38)
Feb. 7, 2020 VA HB 1103 Authorizes Ranked Choice Voting Bill Passed - House (57 - 42)
Jan. 30, 2020 VA HB 674 Authorizes Removing Firearms from Persons Posing Substantial Risk Bill Passed - House (52 - 46)
Feb. 4, 2020 VA HB 1429 Prohibits Denying or Limiting Coverage based on Gender Identity Bill Passed - House (54 - 41)
Feb. 6, 2020 VA HB 827 Prohibits Discrimination on the Basis of Pregnancy Bill Passed - House (66 - 31)
Jan. 21, 2020 VA SB 245 Prohibits Conversion Therapy on Minors Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
Feb. 6, 2020 VA SB 868 Amends Anti-Discrimination Law to Include Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Bill Passed - Senate (30 - 9)
Feb. 11, 2020 VA SB 481 Requires Sick Leave Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 17)
Feb. 6, 2020 VA HB 108 Establishes Election Day as a State Holiday Bill Passed - House (55 - 42)
Feb. 3, 2020 VA HB 386 Prohibits State Funding for Conversion Therapy on Minors Bill Passed - House (66 - 27)
Sept. 16, 2020 VA SB 5034 Expands the State Earned Sentence Credit System Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 16)
Sept. 15, 2020 VA SB 5035 Authorizes Localities to Establish Law-Enforcement Civilian Oversight Bodies Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 15)
Feb. 11, 2020 VA HB 961 Prohibits the Sale or Transportation of Assault Weapons or Magazines Holding 12 or More Rounds Bill Passed - House (51 - 48)
Feb. 7, 2020 VA HB 837 Establishes the "Dress Code Equity Act" Bill Passed - House (81 - 17)
Feb. 3, 2020 VA HB 340 Establishes Housing Relief to Furloughed Government Employees Bill Passed - House (65 - 34)
Jan. 31, 2020 VA HB 995 Increases the Threshold Amount of Money Taken for Larceny Crimes Bill Passed - House (58 - 40)
Feb. 3, 2021 VA SB 1165 Repeals the Death Penalty Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 17)
Feb. 11, 2020 VA SB 935 Authorizes In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
Jan. 15, 2020 VA HJ 1 Establishes an Amendment to the US Constitution Relating to Equal Rights Bill Passed - House (59 - 41)
Jan. 27, 2021 VA HB 2128 Increases the Amount of Time for the State Department to Complete Firearm Background Checks Bill Passed - House (54 - 46)
Jan. 22, 2021 VA SB 1276 Repeals the Abortion Prohibition in Virginia Health Insurance Plans Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 17)
Jan. 21, 2020 VA SB 161 Requires Schools to Create Policies Transgender-Friendly Student Policies Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 16)
Feb. 1, 2022 VA HB 203 Specifies Definition of Student Loan Servicing Bill Passed - House (52 - 47)
Feb. 5, 2021 VA HB 2312 Authorizes the Simple Possession of Marijuana Bill Passed - House (55 - 42)
Feb. 5, 2021 VA SB 1406 Expands Adult Cannabis Use and Eliminates Criminal Penalties Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 15)
Feb. 5, 2021 VA SB 1339 Requires an Individual Petition a Court for Permission to have Their Criminal Records Sealed Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
Jan. 29, 2021 VA SB 1413 Increases Broadband by Allowing Deals with the State Corporation Commission Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 7)
Feb. 4, 2021 VA HB 2004 Requires Releasing Records From Closed Criminal Investigations Bill Passed - House (56 - 44)
Feb. 1, 2021 VA SB 1387 Expands Financial Aid for Undocumented Immigrants Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
Feb. 3, 2021 VA HB 2113 Authorizes Criminal Records Expungement Bill Passed - House (60 - 39)
Feb. 2, 2022 VA HB 4 Requires School Principals to Report Student Misdemeanors to Law Enforcement Bill Passed - House (59 - 40)
Feb. 15, 2022 VA SB 391 Establishes Legal Framework for Sale of Recreational Marijuana Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
Feb. 15, 2022 VA SB 4 Limits the Duration of Executive Orders Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 11)
Feb. 11, 2022 VA HB 11 Reduces Penalties for Carrying a Concealed Weapon Without a Permit Bill Passed - House (53 - 46)
Feb. 15, 2021 VA HB 2128 Increases the Amount of Time for the State Department to Complete Firearm Background Checks Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 17)
Feb. 15, 2022 VA HB 1197 Establishes a Study Regarding Transferring the Department of Juvenile Justice to the Secretariat of Health and Human Resources Bill Passed - House (64 - 35)
Feb. 15, 2022 VA HB 670 Establishes Independent Policing Auditor to Oversee Civilian Law Enforcement Oversight Groups Bill Passed - House (65 - 35)
Feb. 7, 2022 VA SB 508 Increases the Size and Responsibilities of the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board Bill Passed - Senate (40 - 0)
Jan. 30, 2023 VA HB 1702 Requires Landlords Provide 60-Day Written Notice to Increase Rent Bill Passed - House (58 - 42)
Jan. 12, 2022 VA HR 3 Establishes House Rules for the 2022 Legislative Session Bill Passed - House (51 - 48)
Jan. 20, 2022 VA SB 35 Extends the 60-Day Commission Planning Period Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 14)
Date No. Title Outcome
2/12 HB 1348 Prohibits Smoking in a Car with Minors Bill Passed - House (59 - 38)
2/09 SB 705 Requires Sanctuary Cities to be Liable for Damages Caused by Undocumented Immigrant Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
2/12 SB 41 Prohibits State from Requiring Religious Organizations to Solemnize Certain Marriages Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 19)
2/10 HB 815 Amends Death Penalty Procedures Bill Passed - House (62 - 33)
2/16 HB 389 Establishes School Choice Program for Children with Disabilities Bill Passed - House (53 - 46)
2/16 SB 416 Authorizes Individuals to Rent Out Rooms through Online Platform Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 19)
2/15 SB 552 Exempts Police Officer Names from Mandatory Disclosure Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 15)
2/08 SB 646 Establishes Regulations for Fantasy Sports Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 10)
2/03 HB 766 Authorizes Individual with Restraining Order to Carry Concealed Gun without Permit Bill Passed - House (68 - 29)
2/02 SB 117 Prohibits Opening Car Door in Traffic Lane Bill Passed - Senate (24 - 16)
2/16 HB 1090 Rescinds Funds from Certain Abortion Clinics Bill Passed - House (64 - 35)
1/25 SB 335 Prohibits State Employers From Inquiring about an Applicant's Criminal History Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 15)
2/15 HB 1234 Authorizes School Security Officers to Carry Firearms Bill Passed - House (66 - 33)
2/16 HB 773 Prohibits Discrimination Based on Certain Religious Beliefs Bill Passed - House (56 - 41)
2/10 HB 1371 Prohibits Cities from Increasing Minimum Wage or Benefits Bill Passed - House (65 - 34)
2/03 SB 785 Prohibits Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity Bill Passed - Senate (19 - 19)
2/04 SB 610 Authorizes Concealed Carry Reciprocity for Out-of-State License Holders Bill Passed - Senate (27 - 13)
1/24 HB 1578 Authorizes Home-schooled Students to Participate in Public School Sports Bill Passed - House (60 - 38)
2/06 SB 1262 Requires Sanctuary Cities to be Liable for Civil Damages Caused by Undocumented Immigrants Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
2/07 HB 2264 Prohibits State Funding of Abortion Services Bill Passed - House (60 - 33)
2/07 HB 2000 Prohibits Establishment of Sanctuary Cities Bill Passed - House (63 - 33)
2/05 HB 1811 Prohibits Texting While Driving Bill Passed - House (69 - 27)
1/22 SB 1012 Amends Conceal Carry Regulations Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
2/09 SB 966 Amends Various Utilities Regulations Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 13)
1/29 SB 192 Authorizes State to Deduct Previous TANF Benefits from Lottery Winnings Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
2/05 SB 168 Reduces Penalties for Minors Charged with Sexting Offenses Bill Passed - Senate (35 - 5)
2/13 HB 1257 Prohibits the Establishment of Sanctuary Cities Bill Passed - House (51 - 49)
2/05 HB 2384 Prohibits Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Products at Public Schools Bill Passed - House (83 - 15)
2/04 SB 1502 Requires School Boards to Offer Classes on the Bible Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 18)
1/29 HB 119 Requires Milk be Defined as the Lacteal Secretion Obtained by the Complete Milking of a Hooved Animal Bill Passed - House (66 - 32)
8/26 SB 5032 Repeals the 6-Month Mandatory Minimum Requirement for Assaulting Law Enforcement Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 15)
8/28 SB 5120 Appropriates Funds to Provide Prepaid Postage on Absentee Ballots for the General Election Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 16)
8/28 HB 5029 Establishes a Felony Charge for Officers that Fail to Intervene When Witnessing Unlawful Deadly Force Bill Passed - House (55 - 42)
9/04 HB 5099 Prohibits No-Knock Search Warrants Bill Passed - House (56 - 41)
9/10 HB 5049 Prohibits the Acquisition and Use of Military Property by Law Enforcement Agencies Bill Passed - House (54 - 42)
9/10 HB 5116 Requires Public and Private Employers to Provide Paid Quarantine Leave Bill Passed - House (54 - 44)
9/10 SB 5024 Authorizes the Attorney General to File a Civil Suit or Inquire into Law Enforcement Engaging in Unlawful Practices Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
9/04 HB 5098 Increases Penalty for Filing a False Police Report Bill Passed - House (55 - 43)
9/10 SB 5030 Establishes and Amends Various Provisions Relating to Law Enforcement Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
9/09 HB 5146 Establishes a Process for Automatic Expungement of Criminal Records for Certain Convictions Bill Passed - House (59 - 37)
9/04 HB 5104 Increases Employment Assessment and Review Requirements for Law Enforcement Hiring Bill Passed - House (54 - 42)
9/10 HB 5148 Establishes a 4-Level Earned Sentence Credit Classification System Bill Passed - House (54 - 41)
8/28 SB 5029 Prohibits Search and Seizure Based Solely on the Odor of Marijuana Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 14)
9/04 HB 5069 Prohibits Use of Chokeholds by Law Enforcement Officers Bill Passed - House (55 - 43)
1/22 SB 240 Authorizes Temporary Seizure of Guns from Persons Posing Substantial Risk Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
1/15 SJ 1 Establishes an Amendment to the US Constitution Relating to Equal Rights Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 12)
1/16 SB 35 Authorizes Localities to Prohibit Guns at Public Events Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
1/16 SB 69 Prohibits Purchasing more than One Handgun per Month Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
1/16 SB 70 Requires Background Check for Firearm Transfers Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 17)
9/10 SB 5007 Authorizes Defendants to Be Sentenced by a Judge Rather Than a Jury Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 18)
9/09 SB 5012 Requires Individual Votes of Virginia Parole Board Members to be Public Records Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 10)
1/22 SB 318 Reduces Number of Balloons that Can be Released per Hour Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 15)
1/27 HB 10 Establishes Rules for Student Loan Lenders Bill Passed - House (84 - 15)
2/11 HB 177 Requires Virginia to Elect the President by National Popular Vote Bill Passed - House (51 - 46)
2/05 HB 874 Prohibits Handheld Phone Use While Driving Bill Passed - House (72 - 24)
2/06 HB 262 Prohibits Law Enforcement Questioning of an Individual's Immigration Status Bill Passed - House (57 - 42)
2/04 SB 65 Repeals State Photo Identification Voter ID Laws Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 19)
2/06 HB 582 Amends State Collective Bargaining Laws Relating to Right to Work Protections Bill Passed - House (54 - 45)
2/06 HB 1663 Prohibits LGBTQ Discrimination Bill Passed - House (59 - 35)
2/06 HB 220 Requires Prepaid Postage on All Absentee Ballots Bill Passed - House (60 - 38)
2/07 HB 1103 Authorizes Ranked Choice Voting Bill Passed - House (57 - 42)
1/30 HB 674 Authorizes Removing Firearms from Persons Posing Substantial Risk Bill Passed - House (52 - 46)
2/04 HB 1429 Prohibits Denying or Limiting Coverage based on Gender Identity Bill Passed - House (54 - 41)
2/06 HB 827 Prohibits Discrimination on the Basis of Pregnancy Bill Passed - House (66 - 31)
1/21 SB 245 Prohibits Conversion Therapy on Minors Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
2/06 SB 868 Amends Anti-Discrimination Law to Include Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Bill Passed - Senate (30 - 9)
2/11 SB 481 Requires Sick Leave Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 17)
2/06 HB 108 Establishes Election Day as a State Holiday Bill Passed - House (55 - 42)
2/03 HB 386 Prohibits State Funding for Conversion Therapy on Minors Bill Passed - House (66 - 27)
9/16 SB 5034 Expands the State Earned Sentence Credit System Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 16)
9/15 SB 5035 Authorizes Localities to Establish Law-Enforcement Civilian Oversight Bodies Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 15)
2/11 HB 961 Prohibits the Sale or Transportation of Assault Weapons or Magazines Holding 12 or More Rounds Bill Passed - House (51 - 48)
2/07 HB 837 Establishes the "Dress Code Equity Act" Bill Passed - House (81 - 17)
2/03 HB 340 Establishes Housing Relief to Furloughed Government Employees Bill Passed - House (65 - 34)
1/31 HB 995 Increases the Threshold Amount of Money Taken for Larceny Crimes Bill Passed - House (58 - 40)
2/03 SB 1165 Repeals the Death Penalty Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 17)
2/11 SB 935 Authorizes In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 19)
1/15 HJ 1 Establishes an Amendment to the US Constitution Relating to Equal Rights Bill Passed - House (59 - 41)
1/27 HB 2128 Increases the Amount of Time for the State Department to Complete Firearm Background Checks Bill Passed - House (54 - 46)
1/22 SB 1276 Repeals the Abortion Prohibition in Virginia Health Insurance Plans Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 17)
1/21 SB 161 Requires Schools to Create Policies Transgender-Friendly Student Policies Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 16)
2/01 HB 203 Specifies Definition of Student Loan Servicing Bill Passed - House (52 - 47)
2/05 HB 2312 Authorizes the Simple Possession of Marijuana Bill Passed - House (55 - 42)
2/05 SB 1406 Expands Adult Cannabis Use and Eliminates Criminal Penalties Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 15)
2/05 SB 1339 Requires an Individual Petition a Court for Permission to have Their Criminal Records Sealed Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
1/29 SB 1413 Increases Broadband by Allowing Deals with the State Corporation Commission Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 7)
2/04 HB 2004 Requires Releasing Records From Closed Criminal Investigations Bill Passed - House (56 - 44)
2/01 SB 1387 Expands Financial Aid for Undocumented Immigrants Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
2/03 HB 2113 Authorizes Criminal Records Expungement Bill Passed - House (60 - 39)
2/02 HB 4 Requires School Principals to Report Student Misdemeanors to Law Enforcement Bill Passed - House (59 - 40)
2/15 SB 391 Establishes Legal Framework for Sale of Recreational Marijuana Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 18)
2/15 SB 4 Limits the Duration of Executive Orders Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 11)
2/11 HB 11 Reduces Penalties for Carrying a Concealed Weapon Without a Permit Bill Passed - House (53 - 46)
2/15 HB 2128 Increases the Amount of Time for the State Department to Complete Firearm Background Checks Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 17)
2/15 HB 1197 Establishes a Study Regarding Transferring the Department of Juvenile Justice to the Secretariat of Health and Human Resources Bill Passed - House (64 - 35)
2/15 HB 670 Establishes Independent Policing Auditor to Oversee Civilian Law Enforcement Oversight Groups Bill Passed - House (65 - 35)
2/07 SB 508 Increases the Size and Responsibilities of the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board Bill Passed - Senate (40 - 0)
1/30 HB 1702 Requires Landlords Provide 60-Day Written Notice to Increase Rent Bill Passed - House (58 - 42)
1/12 HR 3 Establishes House Rules for the 2022 Legislative Session Bill Passed - House (51 - 48)
1/20 SB 35 Extends the 60-Day Commission Planning Period Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 14)
