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Steny Hoyer's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MD) - District 5

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Date Title
06/16/2022 Tweet - "The #LowerFoodandFuelCosts bill is a positive step towards decreasing the cost of necessary goods like fuel and food for the American people. I urge my colleagues on both side of the aisle to vote yes and show our constituents that Congress is working together on their behalf."
09/18/2019 Democrats Act on the Climate Crisis, Fight Back Against President Trump's Efforts to Roll Back Public Health and Environmental Protections
09/13/2019 House Democrats Pass Legislation to Protect Coastal Communities and Economies
09/11/2019 Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act
08/29/2019 Tweet - "I urge the Admin to stop its roll back of common-sense policies to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas wells. Even oil companies oppose this effort to gut public health and environmental protections. @POTUS must put the health of Americans first."
03/15/2019 Tweet - "Once again the Trump Administration is putting the interests of corporate oil and gas ahead of conservation of sensitive habitat and species at risk of extinction. Congress ought to review how this decision was made. …"
08/02/2018 Tweet - "The Trump Admin's announcement today shows they are playing dangerous, partisan games with our nation's energy security. This freeze of fuel economy standards will lead to consumers paying more at the pump & stifling of innovation in the auto industry."
08/02/2018 Tweet - "The Trump Admin's announcement today shows they are playing dangerous, partisan games with our nation's energy security. This freeze of fuel economy standards will lead to consumers paying more at the pump & stifling of innovation in the auto industry."
08/02/2018 Hoyer: The Trump Administration is Playing Dangerous, Partisan Games with our Nation's Energy Security
03/06/2018 Tweet - "Opening up MD's coast to new oil & gas drilling would threaten businesses & communities along our shoreline. I agree w @SecretaryZinke -- state & local jurisdictions should have a say when it comes to drilling, which MD overwhelmingly opposes."
03/06/2018 Hoyer: Offshore Drilling Would be Harmful to Maryland's Economy
02/27/2018 Letter to the Hon. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior, and Dr. Walter Cruikshank, Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management - Federal Lawmakers Formalize Opposition to Oil & Gas Drilling off Maryland's Coastline, Urge Fellow Marylanders to Voice their Concerns Before Upcoming Deadline
11/06/2015 Hoyer Statement on President Obama's Keystone XL Pipeline Announcement
10/09/2015 Adaptation to Changing Crude Oil Markets
06/30/2014 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator - Approve Ethanol Produced by Winter Barley as Advanced Biofurl
02/19/2014 Hoyer Statement on Israel-Jordan Natural Gas Deal
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Energy and the Environment
11/20/2013 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1900, Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act
11/19/2013 Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act
11/15/2012 Hoyer Statement on BP Settlement
06/20/2012 Domestic Energy and Jobs Act
06/20/2012 Hoyer Statement on Introduction of Invest in America Now Act
04/19/2012 Hoyer Statement on Earth Day
04/17/2012 Hoyer Statement on President Obama's Plan to Address Oil Market Manipulation
04/04/2012 Hoyer Statement on Steering and Policy Committee Hearing on Gas Prices and Excessive Oil Speculation

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