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Steny Hoyer's Public Statements on Issue: Foreign Aid


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MD) - District 5

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09/22/2021 Tweet - "This afternoon, House Democrats introduced H.R. 5323, legislation to fully fund Israel's Iron Dome. I will bring this urgently needed measure to the House Floor tomorrow for a vote to ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself."
09/21/2021 Tweet - "Today, I spoke with @YairLapid , Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs, to discuss my strong support for Iron Dome funding. I reiterated my commitment to ensuring Israel receives this needed aid & reaffirmed the importance of bipartisan support for Israel."
01/10/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Serrano Leads Letter Urging Trump Administration to Issue Major Disaster Declaration Following Earthquakes in Puerto Rico
10/04/2019 Tweet - "Deeply concerned that POTUS put our national security at risk by withholding security assistance to counter Russian aggression for his own personal gain. All Americans should be concerned by these actions, which GOP Senator Romney called deeply troubling."
04/09/2019 Hoyer Remarks at Enrollment Ceremony for Yemen War Powers Resolution
04/09/2019 Tweet - "22 million people are at risk of starvation due to the humanitarian crisis in #Yemen. Bipartisan majorities in the House & Senate voted to end U.S. involvement. I urge @POTUS to listen to Members from both parties who supported this resolution & sign it. "
03/14/2019 Tweet - "Hamas & its Iranian patrons must not be permitted to threaten the peace of #Israel's cities & communities with rockets & tunnels. Today's unprovoked & heinous rocket attack demonstrates why U.S.-Israel security cooperation is so important. 1/2"
03/14/2019 Hoyer Statement on Reports of Rockets Fired at Tel Aviv
08/10/2018 Hoyer Statement on Hamas Rocket Attacks Against Israeli Civilians
06/14/2018 Engel, Hoyer, Lowey, Deutch Statement on Hodeida
12/05/2017 Hoyer Statement on House Passage of the Taylor Force Act
06/20/2017 Hoyer Statement on World Refugee Day
04/25/2017 Bipartisan Leaders Laud House Passage of Resolution Urging South Sudan Famine Relief
01/23/2017 Hoyer Statement on President Trump's Executive Order Reinstating Global Gag-Rule
03/22/2016 Hoyer Statement on Attacks in Brussels
02/12/2016 Hoyer Statement on Temporary Cessation of Hostilities in Syria
03/23/2015 Providing Military Assistance To Ukraine
08/12/2014 Hoyer Statement on Humanitarian Aid to South Sudan
08/06/2014 Hoyer Remarks at 'Dialogue with African CEOs' Event
07/18/2014 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State - The Developments in South Sudan
05/20/2014 Hoyer: Assistance to South Sudan Refugees Reaffirms Our Country's Commitment to Peace, Economic Development, Human Rights
03/27/2014 Hoyer Statement on Agreement Between Ukraine and IMF
03/20/2014 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State - Sudan and South Sudan Call for Action on South Sudan Violence
03/06/2014 Provision of Costs of Loan Guarantees for Ukraine
03/05/2012 Cantor, Hoyer Introduce Legislation to Strengthen U.S.-Israel Security Cooperation

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