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Steny Hoyer's Public Statements on Issue: Science


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MD) - District 5

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Date Title
09/28/2011 Hoyer Statement on the President's Back to School Address
07/08/2011 Letter to Appropriators: Reconsider Cuts to James Webb Space Telescope
07/07/2011 Statement on James Webb Telescope at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
02/15/2011 Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011: House of Representatives
05/12/2010 America Competes Reauthorization Act Of 2010
07/20/2009 Hoyer Statement on 40th Anniversary of Moon Landing
07/10/2008 Hoyer: Goddard Space Flight Center Critical to NASA's Success
12/19/2007 Press Conference - The Past Year in Congress
06/20/2007 Hoyer Statement on President's Veto of Bipartisan Stem Cell Research Bill
06/11/2007 Honoring Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Serving 20 Years in the House
06/07/2007 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007
05/08/2007 Hoyer Presents England's Monarch with Framed Photo of Hubble Telescope
04/24/2007 Hoyer: Innovation Agenda Will Equip America to Compete in Global Economy
10/31/2006 Hoyer Praises New Hubble Mission
07/19/2006 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005-Veto Message from the President of the United States
05/17/2006 Hoyer, Wicker Join Lance Armstrong in Fight to Help Cancer Survivors
02/09/2006 Hoyer Decries Cuts to BARC in Presiden'ts Budget
02/09/2006 Hoyer Pleased with Funds for NOAA Facility
09/20/2005 Hoyer Meets with Space Shuttle Discovery Crew
07/29/2005 Solidarity on 15th Anniversary of Americans with Disablities Act
07/22/2005 Hoyer is House's Strongest Advocate to Save Hubble Space Telescope
07/22/2005 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2005
06/30/2005 Hoyer Announces $127.6 Million for FDA Consolidation Efforts at White Oak in House Bill
02/07/2005 Hoyer On President's 2006 Budget
07/22/2004 Hoyer: Cuts to NASA Will Stifle Advances in Research and Discovery

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