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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Elections

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11/12/2022 Tweet - "Democrats will have a majority again in the Senate! This election is a victory and vindication for Democrats, our agenda and our accomplishments, and for America and the American people."
10/29/2022 Tweet - "Donald Trump's lies about the 2020 election continue to poison our country and inspire violence, and Trump can't even stand up and denounce this heinous attack. It's disgusting."
09/22/2022 Tweet - "The Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United paved the way for endless dark money in our elections The Senate is voting on the DISCLOSE Act because we must cure this cancer of dark money Every Senator has a choice: Vote for transparency, or stand with the forces of dark money"
05/24/2022 Tweet - "MAGA Republicans welcomed Orbán to CPAC A notorious authoritarian & proponent of replacement theory! It's sickening There must be accountability This week, the Senate will vote on combatting domestic terrorism We'll see where Senate Republicans stand"
05/24/2022 Tweet - "The contrast between Democrats and MAGA Republicans is clear MAGA Republicans are: --Pushing abortion bans --Trying to raise taxes on poor and working families --Embracing unhinged conspiracy theories like the Great Replacement Democrats won't stop fighting for Americans"
03/07/2022 Tweet - "57 years ago today, more than 600 people were met with violence as they marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma for the right to vote. Today, the march for voting rights is not over. @SenateDems will not stop working to protect voting rights for every single American."
03/02/2022 Tweet - "During the State of the Union #SOTU, President Biden called for the Senate to pass the DISCLOSE Act so Americans can know who is funding our elections. And he's absolutely right. I'm working for the Senate to pass the DISCLOSE Act to fight the scourge of dark money in politics."
01/20/2022 Tweet: The march for democracy is never over. And we have to and we will keep marching. Senate Democrats will continue our fight against voter suppression, dark money, and partisan gerrymandering. We will keep moving forward for our democracy.
01/19/2022 Tweet: The Big Lie has paved the way for a naked attempt by partisan legislators to re-write the rules of our elections to make it harder to vote Our voting rights bills can put a stop to it NOW But if the GOP blocks this vote--we must change the rules of the Senate to pass these bills
01/19/2022 Tweet: It's Sen. McConnell's Big Lie: That states aren't trying to suppress the vote The truth: 19 states passed 33 new laws making it harder to vote--for people of color, poor people, young people, disabled people We will keep moving forward on our legislation to protect our democracy
01/19/2022 Tweet: Senate Democrats won't be deterred With no support from the Senate GOP--many denying voter suppression even exists--we faced an uphill battle in this vote But every Senator's now on record Americans see who's for voting rights It only strengthens our resolve to protect voting
01/18/2022 Tweet: The GOP shouldn't be allowed to sit in their offices and block voting rights They should have to come to the floor and defend anti-voting rights positions The Senate has an opportunity this week to do that--a vote to change Senate rules to promote public debate on voting rights
01/18/2022 Tweet: The Senate is now officially debating the Freedom to Vote & John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts on the floor Senators were elected to debate and vote--especially on issues like voting rights This is a step forward to put everyone on record We'll keep fighting until we win
01/17/2022 Tweet: Today as we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: The fight for voting rights is not over. I was honored to join @BAM_Brooklyn for #MLKDay to stand together to say that this fight is just too important. We won't stop fighting until we win.
01/11/2022 Tweet: You heard it: In Georgia, President Biden made a strong case for the Senate to pass legislation to protect the sacred right to vote--and to take whatever steps necessary to accomplish that goal. And as soon as tomorrow, the Senate will move forward.
01/11/2022 Tweet: What I said today on @TheView : Since the 2020 election, GOP legislatures led by Trump's Big Lie have passed laws making it harder for people to vote The laws are aimed at non-white Americans, poorer Americans, younger Americans, disabled Americans We will act to protect voting
01/11/2022 Tweet: If Senate Republicans continue to hijack the rules of the Senate to prevent us from protecting the right to vote: Senate Democrats will move forward as soon as tomorrow to restore the function of the Senate and pass legislation to defend democracy and protect voting rights.
01/07/2022 Tweet: I'm leading @SenateDems in taking over the Senate floor today as we move forward on voting rights. If Republicans continue to block action on protecting our democracy: We will debate and consider changes to the rules on or before January 17, MLK Day.
01/06/2022 Tweet: Tonight, I stood alongside @SpeakerPelosi to lead members of the Senate and House in a prayer vigil one year after January 6th. We remembered the bravery of those who defended our Capitol and those who worked in our Capitol. We reflected on how we will act to protect democracy.
01/04/2022 Tweet: A far-right leader dismantling democracy That's who Trump endorsed so close to the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection spurred by his Big Lie That's where Trump wants America to go We can't let it happen The Senate will act to support our democracy & protect voting rights
01/04/2022 Tweet: The January 6th insurrection. New voter restriction laws. The state-level efforts to subvert democracy. All manifestations of Trump's Big Lie. We can and must take strong action to stop this anti-democratic march. The Senate is going to move forward.
01/03/2022 Tweet: Let me be clear: January 6th was a symptom of a broader illness, an effort to delegitimize our election process, and the Senate must advance systemic reforms to repair our democracy or else the events of that day will not be an aberration--they will be the new norm.
12/08/2021 Tweet - "The DOJ is taking action against the terrible maps in Texas that violate the Voting Rights Act Because the right to vote is the beating heart of Democracy And in the Senate, we will continue the fight for voting rights and the fight to restore the VRA"
11/18/2021 Tweet - "Senate Democrats are working to pass the #FreedomToVote Act to fortify our democracy and protect the right to vote Thank you to @CitizenActionNY , @FairElectionsNY , @NYChange , @MakeTheRoadNY , @VOCALNewYork , @NationalAction , and all of the activists across NY for standing with us!"
11/02/2021 Tweet - "It's Election Day! In New York and in so many elections happening today: Make sure you make a plan, and get out and vote!"

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