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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking

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Date Title
11/18/2022 Tweet - "The Biden administration heeded our call to help student debt borrowers with updated guidance. This is an important step towards helping these struggling borrowers discharge their debt in bankruptcy, but we must keep working to help provide them relief."
11/10/2022 Tweet - "This MAGA judge is siding with the special interests over what's best for the people. This is why we need a Senate Democratic Majority. But the law is on our side and we will keep fighting for the millions of Americans with student debt."
11/10/2022 Tweet - "This MAGA judge is siding with the special interests over what's best for the people. This is why we need a Senate Democratic Majority. But the law is on our side and we will keep fighting for the millions of Americans with student debt."
11/03/2022 Tweet - "Because we pushed for it-- @POTUS took action to #CancelStudentDebt Nearly 26 million have applied for life-changing student debt relief so far But MAGA Republicans are using the courts to hold up this relief We won't stop fighting for the millions of people who need relief now"
10/17/2022 Tweet - "BIG NEWS: The Biden administration's page to apply for student debt relief is now live! We asked them to keep this simple, and they delivered an application where you just need to enter a few simple details about yourself. Take 2 minutes and apply now!"
09/22/2022 Tweet - "The Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United paved the way for endless dark money in our elections The Senate is voting on the DISCLOSE Act because we must cure this cancer of dark money Every Senator has a choice: Vote for transparency, or stand with the forces of dark money"
09/21/2022 Tweet - "American voters should have the power to determine our elections without fear of being drowned out by dark money. This Senate will vote on the DISCLOSE Act because we need transparency in democracy."
09/06/2022 Tweet - "President Biden's decision to #CancelStudentDebt, which we've been pushing for, will make it easier for millions of Americans to finally pursue their own American dream, making that down payment on a house, buying that new car, opening a business, saving for retirement."
08/25/2022 Tweet - "The Biden Administration's action on student debt will change the lives of millions of Americans. And thanks to a provision Senate Democrats included in the American Rescue Plan, all types of student loan forgiveness are tax-free at the federal level through December 2025!"
08/24/2022 Tweet - "I'm so glad @POTUS heeded our call to cancel student debt for millions of borrowers, including Pell Grant recipients. Along with the pause on student loan payments, the positive impacts of this will be felt by working families across America--particularly in communities of color."
08/24/2022 Tweet - "MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: We've worked for this and worked for this and worked for this. And now, President Biden just took action to #CancelStudentDebt. Thank you, President Biden!"
02/28/2022 Tweet - "With the flick of a pen, President Biden could #CancelStudentDebt--a burden that falls especially hard on Black borrowers. From me and @DerrickNAACP :"
02/28/2022 Tweet - "The student debt burden falls especially hard on Black borrowers: The median Black borrower will owe 95% of their debt 20 years after starting college, while the median white borrower will only owe 6%. @POTUS can #CancelStudentDebt now and help close the racial wealth gap."
09/29/2021 Tweet - "Millions of Americans struggle under the burden of student debt, and the pandemic has exacerbated this problem Pausing payments and interest has helped, but canceling this debt is what borrowers desperately need @POTUS can use his existing legal authority to #CancelStudentDebt"
09/21/2021 Tweet - "I was proud to join @DebtCrisisOrg's State of Student Debt Summit with @SenWarren, @RepPressley, @Alyssa_Milano, and more to push for action on canceling student debt. President Biden can #CancelStudentDebt by executive action. We won't stop working to get this done."
09/21/2021 Tweet - "Student debt has become not a ladder up, but an anchor weighing Americans down--making it harder to start a family, buy a home, and live with financial independence. President Biden can #CancelStudentDebt and provide relief to the millions of borrowers drowning in debt."
08/11/2021 Tweet - "The Democratic budget will: --Lower costs for everyone --Cut taxes for American families --Create millions of jobs while tackling the climate crisis --And it's paid for by the wealthy & corporations paying their fair share We promised bold action and we're on track to get it done."
08/11/2021 Tweet - "The Democratic budget will cut taxes for American families, lower costs, create good-paying jobs, invest in our future, while tackling the climate change crisis. And it will be paid for by the wealthy and corporations paying their fair share. We're working to move it forward."
08/10/2021 Tweet - "The Democratic budget is about: --Restoring the middle class and giving more Americans the opportunity to get there --Lower costs for Americans --Cutting taxes for American families --Creating millions of jobs while tackling the climate crisis We're working to get it done."
08/09/2021 Tweet - "The Democratic budget will: --Lower costs for Americans --Cut taxes for American families --Create millions of jobs while tackling the climate crisis --And it's paid for by the wealthy and corporations paying their fair share We are working to move it forward."
05/11/2021 Tweet - "BREAKING: We just voted to undo a Scrooge-like rule pushed by Trump and stand up for small biz and people Trump's "True Lender Rule" gave predatory lenders a loophole to circumvent state law and exploit low-income Americans by trapping them in loans with crippling interest rates"
03/15/2021 Tweet - "BIG--The #AmericanRescuePlan makes student loan forgiveness tax-free. This means President Biden can #CancelStudentDebt without anyone getting stuck with a tax bill. @SenWarren and @SenatorMenendez wrote the amendment, and I made sure it was included in the #AmericanRescuePlan."
03/15/2021 Tweet - "A disproportionate burden of student debt falls on people of color. President Biden can #CancelStudentDebt student debt to help close the racial wealth gap."
03/08/2021 Tweet - "More than 43 million Americans are crushed under more than $1.5 trillion in federal student loan debt. A crisis of this magnitude requires bold action. President Joe Biden can #CancelStudentDebt through executive action"
03/04/2021 Tweet - "A disproportionate burden of student debt falls on people of color. President Biden can use executive authority to #CancelStudentDebt and help close the racial wealth gap."

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