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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Family


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12/07/2018 Tweet - "NEWS: The President has just signed Senator Hatch's legislation to help victims of child pornography-- the Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act-- into law."
11/23/2018 Tweet - "A wonderful read about the potential impact programs like those enabled through our Families First legislation can have for families, by giving states more tools to help families in crisis safely stay together. #utpol"
11/15/2018 Tweet - "Tonight the Senate passed Senator Hatch's Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act, legislation to help victims of child pornography obtain restitution so they can begin critical healing processes and live meaningful lives."
06/21/2018 Tweet - "Senator Hatch is speaking now about the importance of yesterdays' executive order to keep families together.. but ALSO about the importance of ensuring the families that have already been separated are reunited."
06/21/2018 Tweet - "Great news in this statement from HHS about reuniting separated families: "Reunification is always the ultimate goal of those entrusted with the care of unaccompanied alien children, and we are working toward that for those unaccompanied alien children currently in our custody."
06/20/2018 Tweet - "The President made the right choice today by stopping the inhumane policy of separating children from their families. But our work is far from over. Read more about proposals Hatch is supporting that will provide a permanent fix to the problem--> … #utpol"
06/20/2018 Tweet - "HATCH on executive order: "I appreciate the President's willingness to listen to us on this issue. We all understand how important it is to enforce our immigration laws, but we also all agree that separating children from their parents is not the right course of action.." (1/2)"
06/20/2018 Tweet - "Tender age shelters" is a chilling phrase we will not soon forget. The child separation policy should be halted now. "
06/19/2018 Tweet - "NEWS: Senator Hatch plans to send a letter to the Justice Department later today calling for a pause on family separations until Congress has time to pass a legislative solution to this issue."
06/18/2018 Tweet - "HATCH on the child separation policy: "A policy that leads to separating children from their families is wrong." #utpol"
05/07/2018 Tweet - "ICYMI: Last week Sen Hatch and health leaders discussed the importance of the Children's Health Insurance Program in Utah, where 250,000 children have used the program to date. Hatch recently led the charge for the longest extension of the #CHIP program in history. #utpol"
05/02/2018 Tweet - "Senator Hatch is at Primary Children's Hospital this afternoon talking about the Children's Health Insurance Program, which was recently reauthorized for 10 years, the longest extension in the programs history. #utpol "
04/19/2018 Tweet - "HATCH on supporting the rule change allowing @SenDuckworth to bring her new baby to the floor: "I believe we should make it as easy as possible for elected representatives to balance their jobs as elected officials with their even more important jobs as parents.." #utpol"
02/09/2018 Tweet - "NEWS: the funding bill and 10-year Children's Health Insurance Program extension has been signed into law. #utpol"
01/21/2018 Tweet - "HATCH: Bipartisan majorities in both the House and Senate supported a non-controversial bill to keep the government funded. But Democrats filibustered this bill, voting instead to shut down the government and block funding for CHIP. They own this mess. #SchumerShutdown #utpol"
01/21/2018 Tweet - "We're imposing imaginary deadlines on ourselves that will leave everyone worse off--CHIP recipients and Dreamers alike." #SchumerShutdown"
01/20/2018 Tweet - "The record stands very clear: Bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate supported a non-controversial bill to keep the government funded. Democrats filibustered, voting instead to shut down the government and block #CHIP. That's a #SchumerShutdown"
01/20/2018 Tweet - "CNN Poll on our choices today: There is no need to choose between funding the government, and fixing DACA later. There IS a choice between funding CHIP (which expired yesterday) and shutting down government over DACA. #SchumerShutdown …"
01/20/2018 Tweet - "Senator Hatch Office Retweeted Phil Mattingly Just a reminder: after filibustering the bill to keep the government open and extend #CHIP last night, Democrats objected to even voting to re-open the government and extend CHIP today. #SchumerShutdown"
01/19/2018 Tweet - "The bill before us includes what would be the longest extension of the Children's Health Insurance Program in history-- a program that serves 9 million American children. … #utpol #SchumerShutdown"
01/19/2018 Tweet - "The risk is that the American people won't hold them accountable for voting AGAINST ideas they've long agreed on to play political games with children's healthcare. But they will. They own this. #SchumerShutdown #utpol"
01/19/2018 Tweet - "5 Democrats willing to put games aside, fund the government, and keep 9 million kids from losing their healthcare tomorrow. #SchumerShutdown … #CHIP #utpol"
01/19/2018 Tweet - "We have a chance to pass the longest #CHIP extension in history. -Hatch, on his way to vote to keep the government open. #SchumerShutdown"
01/19/2018 Tweet - "Senate Democrats are twisting themselves into pretzels in order to argue against ideas and priorities they've supported for years. it's time for the games to stop. Let's do our jobs, fund the government, and pass the longest #CHIP extension in history. #SchumerShutdown"
01/19/2018 Tweet - "NEW: Children's Hospitals support CR: "The CR being considered by Congress includes a six-year extension of #CHIP. Children's hospitals support a long-term extension of CHIP and urge Congress to take this opportunity to pass CHIP this week." … #utpol"

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