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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Guns


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06/28/2018 Tweet - "The shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis is an attack on our First Amendment and our most fundamental rights. Today is a day to remember the importance of a free press, and our responsibility to defend the fourth estate."
05/18/2018 Tweet - "HATCH on the Santa Fe shooting: "The news out of Sante Fe is devastating. While efforts like the STOP School Violence Act will help stop some of the shocking and senseless violence in schools, we must continue to look for creative solutions to stop these tragedies."
03/23/2018 Tweet - "And at the end of this, they can say that they helped pass a historic bill that will make a difference." -Hatch, on working with @sandyhook, @rpetty, @Patrickpetty23 and @KyleKashuv to pass #STOPSchoolViolenceAct. #utpol"
03/22/2018 Tweet - "Thrilled to have #STOPSchoolViolenceAct, #FixNICS, #CLOUDAct and other important pieces of Hatch legislation included in the omnibus. It's passed in the House, now let's get it across the finish line!"
03/21/2018 Tweet - "Take a moment to learn more about the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct We are grateful for the leadership of @sandyhook & our friends in #Parkland including @rpetty, @Patrickpetty23 and @KyleKashuv, who turned grief into inspiring passion, lead toward change."
03/21/2018 Tweet - "How do we know the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct will save lives? Because it will help states and schools find tools that work for them, like Utah's SAFE UT app. Since the app was unveiled in 2016, 86 school attacks have been stopped. 86. Just in Utah. #utpol"
03/21/2018 Tweet - "Great to hear from Doug Jones, who is also a co-sponsor of the STOP School Violence act -->"
03/19/2018 Tweet - "In 42 years in the Senate, few things have been more inspiring than seeing families step up in the wake of unimaginable tragedy to seek unity and push for change. @rpetty and the families of the #Parkland victims on the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct -->… #utpol"
03/19/2018 Tweet - "This week the Senate has a chance to pass the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct, a historic investment in school safety and early intervention programs to stop violence in schools before it happens Find out why @KyleKashuv said "if we had this a month ago #Parkland might not have happened"
03/18/2018 Tweet - "This week you're going to continue to hear about the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct. Take a second to find out how it will empower schools to prevent violence before it happens, and why it has received such strong bipartisan support. #utpol"
03/18/2018 Tweet - "The #STOPSchoolViolenceAct is a meaningful step to keep our kids safer in school. It received 407 votes in the House, with overwhelming bipartisan support. It already has bipartisan support from over 1/3 of the Senate. Be a part of the solution."
03/16/2018 Tweet - "It's Friday night. While the youths are out at sock hops and soda shops, Senator OGHatch is working the phones to get the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct passed into law. #utpol"
03/14/2018 Tweet - "I truly believe that if this act has been in place a month ago, Parkland wouldn't have happened." -Parkland Student @KyleKashuv on the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct. via @abc4utah #utpol"
03/13/2018 Tweet - "When it comes to stopping school violence, one size does NOT fit all. The #STOPSchoolViolenceAct is all about empowering state and local leaders to tailor school safety infrastructure investments and early intervention programs to their unique schools and communities. #utpol"
03/13/2018 Tweet - "Tomorrow marks one month since the horrific shooting in Parkland, Florida. The #StopSchoolViolenceAct will prevent future violence by making schools safer and preparing the school ecosystem to play a role in preventing violence before it happens. #utpol"
03/09/2018 Tweet - "Had a wonderful call with @rpetty today, who is turning grief at the loss of his daughter Alaina in Parkland to action, by calling for kindness. They also discussed the importance of finding common ground solutions like the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct"
03/08/2018 Tweet - "Great to meet with @KyleKashuv this morning to talk about the things we can do to keep kids safe, starting with the #StopSchoolViolenceAct. #utpol"
03/08/2018 Tweet - "You're doing the Lords work in raising these issues." Hatch, to Parkland student @KyleKashuv on his efforts to stop school violence by championing safer, more loving schools. #utpol"
03/08/2018 Tweet - "Hatch had a chance to talk to @KyleKashuv today about how to stop violence in schools. Kyle has a great idea of his own (the @ReachOutApp ). The #StopSchoolViolenceAct will help schools put tools like Kyle's to use to stop violence before it happens. #utpol #MSDStrong"
03/08/2018 Tweet - "Great to meet with @KyleKashuv this morning to talk about the things we can do to keep kids safe, starting with the #StopSchoolViolenceAct. #utpol"
03/07/2018 Tweet - "The families of @sandyhook have been powerful voices in the development of the #STOPSchoolViolenceAct, focused on the need to empower entire school ecosystems to work together to stop violence before it happens. #utpol"
03/02/2018 Tweet - "In an effort to develop the best bill possible and to ensure it has the broadest coalition of support in order to pass in the Senate, Senator Hatch will be introducing the STOP School violence act on Monday"
02/28/2018 Tweet - "The STOP School Violence Act provides grants for evidence-based security infrastructure improvements in our schools. "
02/28/2018 Tweet - "HATCH on wide-ranging White House meeting on violence prevention: "Today's meeting at the White House focused on the need to stop violence before it happens, and I believe my bill, the STOP School Violence Act, will do just that." "
02/27/2018 Tweet - "Momentum is building for the STOP School Violence Act, a bill to give schools the resources they need to STOP school violence before it happens. "

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